Onions during pregnancy

Many women during the gestation of the baby feel how their food preferences have changed. Sometimes they reach absurdity and the future mother starts actively leaning on a product that was previously absolutely indifferent. When it comes to eating onions during pregnancy, especially in unlimited quantities, there are some doubts about the advisability of using it.

Is it possible for a pregnant onion?

Everyone is aware of the benefits of root crops, which have a set of phytoncides, beneficial to the human immune system. All useful properties of onions are not forbidden and even pregnant women are useful. There is no specific norm for the use of this root crop either - eat as much as you want.

When pregnancy is early, as well as late, onions are not contraindicated, its use will in no way affect the development of the baby and will not cause a threat of interruption.

Some caveats

All is well, but it turns out that eating green and onions during pregnancy can not be all, and not in all forms. It's not about stewed, fried or pickled vegetables, namely, about eating raw - a feather or a bulb.

You should be careful of those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, liver, intestines), with kidneys and allergies. The fact is that a bow, like a feather and a turnip, contains a rather sharp juice, which, with the disease of the digestive system, can irritate the walls of the mucosa, causing inflammation and discomfort. But these contraindications apply not only to a woman during the bearing of a baby, but to any person who has a similar diagnosis.

In the last trimester, the use of a juicy root should be somewhat reduced so as not to cause a possible allergic reaction in the baby. In addition, women with asthma should be careful with fresh onions, as its composition includes a small amount of an allergen, which, if overabundant, can provoke an attack.