Increased luteinizing hormone

One of the most important sex hormones that affects the ability to conceive and the manifestation of sexual characteristics is luteinizing hormone . It is produced by the pituitary gland, both in women and men, and performs many important functions. It is with his help that testosterone and progesterone are produced. The condition, when the luteinizing hormone is elevated, can be observed with various diseases and disorders of the genital organs. But this is not necessary, since it can be conditioned by natural physiological processes.

Functions of luteinizing hormone

In addition to stimulating and controlling the production of other sex hormones, it regulates sexual maturation and ensures the normal course of the processes necessary for conception. In women, luteinizing hormone leads the menstrual cycle and is associated with ovulation. Therefore, without him, pregnancy is impossible. In men, however, it ensures normal maturation of spermatozoa. The elevated level of luteinizing hormone does not always indicate the presence of the disease. This happens in children and adolescents or in the menopause. But if this happens in the reproductive period, then it is necessary to understand why.

The causes of increased luteinizing hormone

They can be common for both men and women:

Usually, in men, luteinizing hormone is elevated after 60 years, and this condition most often does not indicate the presence of the disease. But with infertility and a decrease in sexual desire, you need to do an analysis and conduct hormonal therapy.

The situation is different for women who have elevated levels of luteinizing hormone every month in the middle of the cycle. This is due to the process of ovulation. If its indices are constantly increased, then this may indicate the presence of such diseases as polycystic ovary, endometriosis, deficiency of the functions of the sex glands.

These pathologies require mandatory examination, since they can cause infertility. If, after taking the tests, the doctor determined that the level of luteinizing hormone is elevated, the treatment is prescribed in accordance with the presence of concomitant diseases. But most often it consists in taking hormonal drugs.