Trichopolum with thrush

Very often, women try to independently cure themselves of thrush, resorting to the advice of friends and acquaintances. One of such tips is the use of trichopolum, as a remedy against thrush. But does Trichopol help and can they be cured? It is unlikely that the advisers know exactly the answer to this question. We will try to tell you everything that we know and warn you against ill-considered actions.

What is Trichopol?

Trichopol is a drug prescribed for very many diseases. He actively copes with some types of bacteria that can live in the genital tract and cause various infectious and inflammatory diseases. The composition of the trichopolum tablets includes metronidazole, which is effective when available:

If you carefully read the instructions, it becomes clear that trichopolis can not help with thrush . Thrush is caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida, and in the instructions for use it is written that "metronidazole does not have bactericidal action against ...... fungi and viruses." So it turns out that mushrooms to the trichole are completely insensitive.

Indications for the use of trichopolum suppositories

Trichopol should appoint only a doctor, after a survey and tests taken. Based on these results, the specialist will identify the cause of your ailment and choose the appropriate treatment for you. Trichopol helps well in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, if the cause of their appearance served as a bacterium, sensitive to metronidazole. To the list, which we have already described above, you can add:

Contraindications to the use of Trichopolum

  1. Leukopenia.
  2. Disorders of the central nervous system.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. In high doses it is forbidden to apply the drug to people with hepatic insufficiency.
  5. Because of the fact that metronidazole penetrates the placenta, it can not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. In Trimester II and III trichopoles can be used only if the intended use from it for the mother will exceed the possible risk to the fetus.
  6. During breastfeeding, you can not use trichopolum. If it is still necessary, then you will have to quit breastfeeding, since this drug is excreted together with the mother's milk.

Treatment of thrush with thrino

Now you know that trichopolum does not help with the treatment of thrush. Let's say more, its inappropriate application can just the opposite, cause thrush and dramatically lower your immunity.

It is quite natural that you may have a question: "Why then do some gynecologists prescribe trichopolis with thrush?". The answer is simple, thrush is very often accompanied by other diseases, for example trichomoniasis, or bacterial vaginosis. In such cases, a mixed treatment is prescribed: trichopolum to control the infections available to it, and any other antifungal medication for combating thrush.

Often trichopolis is prescribed before gynecological operations. Of course, that operation is already an excuse for lowering immunity. Against the background of this decline may well develop thrush. Therefore, in such cases, combined treatment with trichopolum and an antifungal drug is also prescribed.

Because of the above-described cases, many women are deceived, believing that thrush can be cured by trichopolis. But we hope that our article helped you to understand what's what, and the Trichopol myth is now destroyed.