Lumbar sciatica - symptoms

Lumbosacral radiculitis, the main symptoms of which are pain in the corresponding part of the body, is considered a disease affecting the nerves in the spinal cord. The disease is manifested by inflammation of the roots. The disease occurs frequently - about 10 percent of the world's population suffers from it. The main cause is the spine pathology, which is most often found in people aged 35 to 50 years.

Clinical symptoms of radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine

Common symptoms of the disease:

Usually the disease proceeds in a chronic form with rare exacerbations. The disease develops in most cases due to unfavorable climatic conditions and constant excessive loads on the spine.

The acute form of lumbosacral radiculitis lasts from two to three weeks on average. It manifests itself by the development of the following symptoms:

Severe seizures often appear due to hypothermia, physical overstrain, general intoxication, sudden movements in the lumbar region. Sometimes even there were cases of exacerbation caused by flu or cold.

The causes of discogenic lumbosacral radiculitis

The main causes of radicular syndrome are pathological changes in the spinal column. Most often this is due to the development of various diseases, which include:

There are also additional causes that affect the development of the disease:

In medicine, there are several basic types of radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine:

  1. Lumbago - a sharp pain in the lower back. Most often occurs due to overheating or hypothermia of the body. Attacks can last from several hours to days.
  2. Sciatica. The pain appears in the buttock, in the thigh, the lower leg and in some cases reaches the foot. There is also a weakness in muscles. This indicates a damage to the sciatic nerve, which is the largest in the entire body. This kind of ailment is manifested by shooting pain, tingling, burning, numbness and "goose bumps". Often the symptoms appear together. The degree can vary from the easiest to the most complex. In some cases, a person could only lie on his back, not being able to get up, sit down and even roll over.
  3. Lumboishialgia is a pain that appears in the lower back and in the future gives to the feet. Most often, unpleasant sensations are manifested by burning and whining.