First aid for heat shock

If a person's body overheats, what happens in a bath, on the beach, while exercising with physical loads during the warm season, they talk about a heat stroke. In this state, the natural cooling function of the body ceases to work, and its temperature increases.

If you do not take care of the cooling in time, a coma and even a lethal outcome may occur, so it is very important to know how the first aid for a thermal shock is correctly delivered.

Symptoms of heat stroke

When overheating a person experiences dizziness and headache, some blurred consciousness, fatigue and lethargy, anxiety, disorientation in space. In especially difficult cases, a person can begin to hallucinate.

Providing first aid for heat strokes, it is worth paying attention to the state of the human skin: when it overheats it becomes hot and dry, sweat is not visible. When measuring pulse and temperature, high values ​​are recorded.

What to do?

If you notice a person's heat stroke symptoms, first aid, as in all critical situations, should begin with an emergency call - this is the main rule that should be remembered in case of emergency. First call the doctor, then help the patient.

Overheated person should be placed in a cool place or shadow. Clothing should be removed as much as possible. If the body temperature is above 38 ° C, you need to wet the sheet (or other matter that is near at hand) in the water and wrap it in the victim. To enhance cooling, you can fan a person with a fan or newspaper.

If the overheating is not strong, it is enough to isolate the patient from the source of heat.

The first medical aid (cooling) received a heat stroke is in the so-called. a restorative position, if the person is unconscious. He is trying to turn to the left side, his right leg and his left hand are taken to the side, his right hand is put under his left cheek. If the person is conscious, it is useful to give him cool water. He who has fainted can not be given to drink or any medicine!

Extreme measures

If a person who has received a heat stroke has no pulse, first aid means cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is performed only if the patient does not breathe:

  1. A person is laid on a flat and necessarily hard surface (floor, ground), unfastened clothing.
  2. The hand is laid perpendicular to the sternum in the lower part of it, on top - the second arm. The fingers are raised (do not touch the body), hands straight without folds in the elbows.
  3. The sternum is pressed down by all body weight, acting at a frequency of about 100 per minute. In an adult person during an indirect heart massage, the sternum should flex 4-5 cm. In the case of a child, it is necessary to act more carefully.
  4. Resuscitation is carried out according to the scheme: 2 breaths "mouth to mouth" or "mouth to nose", 30 strokes to the breastbone - and so 4 times.
  5. Then check the pulse and, in his absence, continue manipulation before the arrival of doctors.