Omphalitis in newborns - causes and treatment of umbilical inflammation

Omphalitis in newborns, as a rule, occurs at the age of up to a month. Older children and even adults also get sick sometimes, but such cases are very rare. Omphalitis is one of the most common acquired diseases diagnosed in children in the first three weeks of life. If you start treating it on time, the ailment will quickly recede and leave no consequences.

What is omphalitis?

This is an inflammation of the umbilical cord and umbilical cord, which affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The problem leads to disruption of epithelialization processes and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To panic, when omphalitis is diagnosed in newborns, it is not necessary, but it is not recommended to let the disease go. Timely begun literate treatment is the key to successful and speedy recovery of the baby.

Causes of omphalitis

The main reason for developing omphalitis in children is getting into the umbilical wound of pathogenic microorganisms. This happens, as a rule, with insufficiently qualified care of the child. Infection can be transmitted through the dirty hands of parents or medical personnel. Call omphalitis in newborns and other factors:

Symptoms of omphalitis

The manifestations of the disease vary slightly depending on the shape of the omphalitis. All signs are divided into general and local. The latter are the symptoms manifested directly in the area around the navel. These include:

Common symptoms are non-specific signs that indicate the presence of an infection and an inflammatory process in the body:

Catarrhal omphalitis

This form is found in most cases and is considered the most favorable. Catarrhal omphalitis in newborns is still called a ducking navel. Ideally, the umbilical cord remains to fall off on its own in the first days of life. At this place remains a small scab wound, which is tightened for 10-15 days. Catarrhal omphalitis in neonates tightens the period of epithelization and causes the appearance of discharge from the navel.

If the wetting for a long time - two or more weeks - does not go away, the growth of granulation tissues can start - the inflammation spreads to healthy tissues. Symptoms of the disease while remaining are not pronounced. Only in some cases there is a slight increase in temperature. Omphalitis is catarrhal in neonates without complications, and after the onset of local treatment the child quickly recovers.

Purulent omphalitis

This form of the disease, as a rule, is a complication of catarrhal. Purulent omphalitis in newborns leads to an increase in edema and hyperemia area. The ailment affects the lymphatic vessels, which causes a red stain around the navel, which looks like a jellyfish or an octopus. Allocations become purulent and often unpleasantly smell. Purulent omphalitis in newborn symptoms and others has:

Omphalitis - complications

If signs of omphalitis are ignored, this can lead to complications. With the latter, it is not so easy to manage as with the usual form of the disease. In addition, they not only worsen the quality of life, but also sometimes pose a danger to the health of the baby. Reflux omphalitis complications can have these:

Complications in most cases lead to the fact that the child's health deteriorates noticeably, he is restlessly behaving and giving up his chest. The temperature can be raised to 39 or more degrees. The wound on the navel turns into an open ulcer, constantly wet due to purulent discharge. In the most severe cases, tissue necrosis develops.

Omphalitis in newborns - treatment

The problem develops quickly, but progress can be stopped if the diagnosis of omphalitis treatment begins in a timely manner. To recognize inflammation in the early stages will help a specialist neonatologist. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to take tests. Fight with the catarrhal form of the disease can be at home under the constant supervision of a pediatrician. Treatment of purulent omphalitis and other varieties of the disease should be carried out only in a hospital. Otherwise, it will be difficult to avoid serious consequences.

Treatment of umbilical wound with omphalitis

At the initial stages, the site of inflammation should be treated several times a day. The algorithm for treating the umbilical wound with omphalitis is simple: first, the lesion site should be washed with hydrogen peroxide, and when it dries - with an antiseptic solution. For the procedure, use sterile cotton wool. At first it is recommended to treat the skin around the navel and only then inside. To bathe a child during treatment can be in warm water with potassium permanganate or herbal decoctions. With more severe forms of the disease after treatment, a compress is applied to the skin with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Omphalitis - ointment

The use of ointments is necessary only in difficult cases, since ophthalitis is treated with antiseptics. Strongly active agents are used, as a rule, for compresses. The most popular ointments, which are usually prescribed for inflammation of the navel:

Prevention of omphalitis

Inflammation of the umbilical wound is one of those problems that is easier to prevent than treat.

Do not allow omphalitis and protect the baby from suffering can be, observing the simple rules:
  1. The umbilical wound must be treated 2 to 3 times a day, until it completely heals. Even if there are a few crusts left on it, you can not stop the procedure.
  2. First, the navel should be wiped with a solution of peroxide, and when the skin dries, it is processed with greenery or 70% alcohol.
  3. Crusts from the wound are strictly prohibited. No matter how surprising it may sound, the scab is the most reliable bandage. It prevents the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound and falls off on its own when the skin no longer needs protection.
  4. The navel should not be covered with a diaper, sealed with a band-aid or bandaged. If the wound is closed, it can break and inflame. In addition, the matter can catch on the scab and tear it, which will bring unpleasant sensations, expose the uninhabited navel and open access to it to bacteria and microbes.
  5. If there is a purulent discharge or an unpleasant odor, it is recommended to immediately seek the help of a pediatrician or a pediatric surgeon.