The baby has cold hands

When taking care of a newborn in a family, young parents have many questions about his health. One of the frequently asked questions: why does the child have cold hands? And the first reaction to this phenomenon - the baby should be urgently warmed, wrapped up, because he was supposedly cold.

Just want to reassure the newly mums and dads that the cold hands of the newborn - no reason for alarm, if the child has a normal appetite, and he is generally calm. The fact is that the cold hands of a newborn are not an obligatory sign of the disease. Most likely, this is evidence that the child's vegetative system has not yet fully adapted to the conditions of the surrounding world. Gradually, heat exchange processes will improve in the baby's body, and within a few months its thermoregulation will return to normal.

If you still feel nervous about the fact that the baby has cold, wet hands, and it's hard for you to determine how he feels, use the advice of pediatricians. They offer to touch the back of the hand to the baby's breast. If this part of the calf is warm, then everything is in order - the baby is not cold. But if the breast is cool, - he, in fact, uncomfortable, the baby chilly. In this case, put on the handles of natural fabrics, which are usually sold together with sets of underwear for newborns, and put a warm blanket on it.

What should I do if my hands are cold?

Parents can contribute to the formation of thermoregulatory processes in the baby's body.

  1. The most effective means are gymnastics and massage. These procedures improve blood supply, activate lymph flow. In addition, taking air baths, the baby is hardened.
  2. An excellent hardening agent is water. Kids love to luxuriate in warm water, a small body relaxes and resting. At the end of the procedure, we advise you to pour the baby from the ladle with water, which is 1 to 2 degrees cooler than the water in the bathroom.
  3. If your child has always cold hands and feet, after the bath, wiping the baby with a soft towel, the area of ​​the limbs vigorously rub with a coarser towel to make them noticeably pink.

Attention! With a decrease in activity and a change in appetite, cold hands in the baby - a signal about the occurrence of a cold. If the temperature is still high, be sure to consult a pediatrician.