Fat Burning

The process of fat burning is one of the most important conditions for losing weight. Bodybuilders try to understand the processes of education and the splitting of fat - because if you do not get rid of the fat mass, the beautiful muscular muscles simply will not be visible. However, to know about such important mechanisms is not only for professional athletes, but for everyone who wants to lose weight.

Fat burning in the body

Burning of subcutaneous fat is a rather complicated process. The fact is that fat deposits are an untouchable stock of the body, which he stores in order to use it and survive in case of hunger. That is, inherently fat is a unique kind of energy reserves that can be used if necessary.

In the body there are two kinds of fats - subcutaneous and internal, or visceral. Each of them has its own predisposition to lipolysis - the process of cleavage. Subcutaneous fat is insulin-sensitive, which is reasonably stable. But the internal fat is easily broken down, when the body signs an alarm and produces adrenaline.

These two types of fats are interrelated: when the body is in a stressful situation (reduced nutrition or increased physical activity), the internal fat quickly disintegrates, but the subcutaneous, on the contrary, becomes more stable. In addition, the metabolism slows down - so the body tries to stretch the available amount of energy for a longer period.

It is because of the interaction of these two types of fat that local fat burning is impossible: the body "chooses" from which deposits to release reserves in the first place - and this will be internal fats. Therefore, you can lose weight only in a complex way, and not in any one part.

The body accumulates fat in the event that energy with food comes more than is spent on vital functions. To start the process of fat burning, respectively, you need to reduce the amount of energy coming from food or increase consumption (ideally, you need to do both at the same time).

The mechanism of fat burning is triggered only if the organism catastrophically does not receive the right amount of energy with food. This is due to the fact that lipolysis - the process of splitting fats - is a very laborious and complex matter, so the organism tries to resort to it only in the most difficult cases.

Since fat burning occurs for the most part in the mitochondria that are in the muscles, the developed muscular system is one of the most important conditions for effective fat burning. That is why, in pursuit of the fastest splitting of fats, one should not forget about strength training.

What promotes fat burning?

To burn fat, it is important that the body receives fewer calories than it spends. This mechanism can be regulated from two sides: both by reducing the consumption of calories, and by increasing energy expenditure. In practice this means:

Such measures in a complex allow quickly to leave with fatty adjournment. To accelerate the burning of fats can be additionally by way of a protein diet and inclusion in the diet of foods that accelerate the metabolism.