Drainage after surgery

Any surgical intervention, especially associated with the removal of pus or exudate from the internal cavities, can trigger infection of the lesions. The established drainage after the operation in some cases allows to accelerate the cleansing of the wound and to facilitate its antiseptic treatment. But with the development of medical technologies from the drainage procedure in most situations have already been abandoned, since the removal of tubes and systems outside also can cause complications.

Why put drainage after the operation?

Unfortunately, many surgeons still use drainage as a safety net or out of habit, setting it up to prevent re-infection and other common consequences of various interventions. At the same time, even experienced specialists forget why drainage is really needed after the operation :

Modern doctors adhere to the principles of minimal additional intervention in the process of recovery. Therefore, draining is used only in the extreme cases when it is impossible to do without it.

When is drainage removed after surgery?

Of course, there are no generally accepted deadlines for the removal of drainage systems. The speed with which they are removed depends on the complexity of the surgical intervention, the site of its conduct, the nature of the contents of the internal cavities, the initial purposes of installing the draining devices.

In general, experts are guided by the only rule - drainage must be removed immediately after it performs its functions. Usually this happens already on the 3rd-7th day after the surgical procedure.