On what month of pregnancy does the fetus begin to move?

Quite often, young women, preparing to become a mother for the first time, are waiting for the moment when their baby comes out with them "in touch", i.e. will begin to stir. That is why, often at a doctor's appointment, they ask about it. Let's talk in more detail about this phenomenon, let's name the specific time frame and establish, in what month of pregnancy, in the norm, the fetus begins to move.

When does the baby begin to exercise the first movements in the mother's womb?

According to medical observations with the help of ultrasound, the first involuntary movements the baby begins to exercise already literally at the 8th week of gestation. However, in view of the fact that its dimensions are so tiny, the future mother can not feel it.

If we talk about the month of pregnancy the baby starts to move so that the pregnant woman senses it, then everything depends on what kind of account this pregnancy is.

So, primiparous women can hear the first perturbations as early as the 5th month of gestation (20 weeks). However, they are so weakly expressed that many future mothers describe them as "fluttering butterflies". As the fetus grows, the frequency and strength of the perturbations will only increase. By the end of the second trimester, they become so obvious that sometimes they are visible through the anterior abdominal wall.

In those cases when it comes to women who carry the second and subsequent baby, the fetus moves slightly earlier. Most often this is 18 weeks (4.5 months).

It is also necessary to say that placental influence on the first movement is indirectly affected. When attaching a child's place to the front wall of the uterus, the pregnant women are marked 1-2 weeks earlier.

How often should the fetus move?

It is worth noting that for the diagnosis of the gestation process, on what month the fetus begins to move, but also the frequency of the movements it makes.

So, the greatest activity is observed in the interval of 24-32 weeks. The thing is that at this time there is an active growth and development of the child.

As for the frequency of movements made by the baby, it is individual. However, doctors adhere to the following norms: 3 movements in 10 minutes, 5 - for half an hour, and for an hour - about 10-15 movements.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the fact, on what month of pregnancy the baby starts to move, is individual and depends on many factors. However, in most cases this occurs in the interval of 4-5 months.