What to eat nursing mother?

The period of breastfeeding has always been accompanied by a lot of questions on nutrition among women. Fear of the fact that the baby will begin to ache the tummy , makes many mothers sit down on the postnatal diet. Whether such limitations in nutrition are justified and what can be eaten by a nursing mother, let's try to understand this article.

How to eat after childbirth?

This is one of the most difficult and critical periods in the life of an infant and a nursing woman. And this is due not only to the fact that at this stage the process of lactation begins to be adjusted, but also because the youngsters suffer from gastrointestinal colic. When asked what to eat after giving birth to a nursing mother, doctors say with confidence: more vegetables in boiled, baked or steamed form. Various soups and cereals, dishes from dietary meat and fish, as well as low-fat dairy products, hard cheese and home-made condensed milk. This set of products will not only support lactation in the right amounts, but also increase it. In addition, such products do not cause bloating in the infant and will not exacerbate gastrointestinal colic.

What about the sweet, which can be purchased in the store, then in this period only biscuits of different kinds and marshmallows without chocolate or pastille are allowed. Do not give up fruits and dried fruits: bananas, dates, dried apricots - this is all that you can eat nursing mother, not only after giving birth, but also during the period of feeding. Baked apples or homemade pastries, for example, charlottes and curd casserole, is an excellent option for breakfast, not only for a woman who has become a mother, but also for the whole family.

List of what you can eat nursing mom

If you dwell in more detail on the list of main dishes that can be used by a woman, it will look like this:

  1. Soups.
  2. This category includes all meals prepared on vegetable, fish and meat broths (without tomato, canned food or abundant spices). It should be noted that for the latter it is necessary to take only pulp of low-fat varieties of meat, tk. bones give a very rich broth. Dishes with meat should be filled with cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc. From cooked vegetables and broth, experts recommend preparing cream soups with the addition of cream or milk. For fish dishes, low-fat fish of white varieties and vegetables is taken. According to doctors, soups - this is what you need to eat your nursing mother every day.

  3. Kashi.
  4. This dish is very useful, tk. contains a multitude of trace elements. Porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice - this is what you need to eat your nursing mother often enough. They can be prepared in different versions: dairy, grated and crumbly, as well as with the addition of various dried fruits , fruits and berries. For experiments, oatmeal cooked on milk is perfect, because adding one day to apples, and the next day, for example, dried apricots, it will not bother you.

  5. Vegetables.
  6. Here, fantasy can make a fool, because these products have almost no limits. Vegetables can be baked, boiled or steamed. They produce excellent side dishes for meat, fish or ingredients for salads. The most common vegetable, which is better not to eat for the first few months after giving birth, is white cabbage, it can cause bloating of the baby's belly.

  7. Meat and fish.
  8. The list of foods that can be eaten by a nursing mother includes low-fat varieties of white fish (cod, hake, pollock) and meat (rabbit, beef, turkey, chicken). Cook them simply: steaming, boiling or baking.

  9. Sour-milk products and cheese.
  10. Homemade yogurts, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese, butter - these are the products that should be in the ration of every nursing mother. But it is worth remembering that you can eat only 50 grams per day. hard cheese and a small piece of butter.

  11. Beverages.
  12. Drink to a woman who breastfeeds need at least two liters of fluid per day. For this purpose, non-carbonated water, birch sap, compote from dried fruits, green tea will be perfect.

So, summing up, I want to say that when you feed a newborn, you can eat only that which does not harm the state of the baby. However, do not despair, the period of colic usually passes several months after birth, and then the woman's diet can be significantly expanded.