Eucalyptus - medicinal properties

Eucalyptus is known as a plant that has an amazing range of medicinal qualities. Basically, the oil extracted from the leaves is used. However, folk medicine uses decoctions from the bark of eucalyptus, which contains tannins and resins with healing properties for the human body. Consider when showing the use of recipes with eucalyptus.

How to use the healing properties of eucalyptus at home?

The greatest number of healing elements is still concentrated in the leaves of the plant. They contain:

By the way, the amount of phytoncids in eucalyptus exceeds the content of these substances in other plants. But it is the phytoncides that safely allow to fight pathogens. Not without reason decoctions and infusions of a plant are recommended to use for getting rid of staphylococcus, streptococcus, dysentery rod.

The healing properties of eucalyptus allow you to get rid of even such a sexual infection as Trichomonas. Indispensable is a remedy prepared from the leaves of the blue eucalyptus, as its medicinal properties make it possible to cope with malaria. However, the decoction of the leaves saves not only from fever, it quickly eliminates itching and irritation on the skin after the bite of insects.

The healing properties of the broth from the leaves of eucalyptus is difficult to overestimate, it is used in the following diseases:

With the help of a decoction, you can regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, treat dermatological diseases.

Eucalyptus is also popular in cosmetology. It is added to the masks to eliminate acne, used to eliminate dandruff.

Therapeutic properties of eucalyptus tincture at home

For a variety of pathological conditions, it is recommended to treat with eucalyptus tincture. Consider when it is useful:

However, the drug also has contraindications. Do not use it if you are diagnosed with:

Use of a decoction of eucalyptus for medicinal purposes

The medicinal properties of the broth prepared from silvery eucalyptus are most often used in the treatment of acute colds. In this case, rinsing can be performed with it. Helps decoction and with a chronic cough - it is enough to regularly perform inhalations.

By the way, the eucalyptus broth has quite powerful antiseptic properties. Therefore, the face, decorated with a scattering of pimples, is often advised to wipe the decoction of the leaves of the healing tree.

With the help of decoction you can quickly get rid of dandruff. All that is needed is to rinse the hair with a decoction after each washing of the head.

Another invaluable quality of the broth is the ability to expel parasites. To do this, the intestines are cleaned with an enema, introducing an eucalyptus broth.

It is impossible to overestimate the medicinal qualities of eucalyptus. Application of its wonderful properties are found in dentistry, ophthalmology, gynecology, endocrinology and other medical directions.