Guessing in a name - in what way and when is it better to guess at a name?

Want to find out about the potential candidate, about his feelings and prospects for the future, then fortune telling in a name that can be carried out in many ways will help. It is important to do everything according to the rules and without any doubts to believe in the result, otherwise nothing will turn out.

When is it better to guess in the name of a suitor?

If you want, you can do fortune telling at any time to find out about your future. It is believed that the more truthful guessing in the name of a loved one will be in the evenings of women's days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As for the time, it's best to start the fight at midnight. It is also necessary to take into account the phase of the moon, so, it's better to drive on a full moon. There are special days when it is recommended to conduct fortune-telling to a name:

Fortunetelling for Christmas on the celebrated name

It is generally accepted that Christmas is one of the most suitable days for looking into the future and learning about the prospects in your personal life. The night before this holiday, that is Christmas Eve, is magical and all the answers on this day will be truthful. You can do fortune-telling for the name of the future husband for Christmas and for Christmas, which last from January 7 to 19. The tradition of finding out the name narrowed is very ancient, but the popularity of fortune telling has survived to this day.

Fortune-telling in the name of a suitor

It does not matter which version of predictions will be chosen, the main thing is to follow all the rules to get a truthful result. First, it is necessary to believe that guessing the name of the future guy is real and not an entertainment. Secondly, it is recommended to conduct such rituals all alone, so that nothing distracts and does not interfere. In addition, it is not recommended to tell other people about the results and even more to do the repeated guessing, if the value is not satisfied.

Fortune-telling in the name of the groom

The ancient way of predictions, which the girls used many years ago, is more often spent on Christmas and other winter holidays. It is important to take only your own felt boots, but if they are not, you can replace them with a boot or shoe. Guessing in the name of the future husband is done like this:

  1. Leave after sunset on the street and stand with your back to the fence, which should border on the street.
  2. Throw the felt over your shoulder so that he flew over the fence and was on the road.
  3. After that, go to the valenka and see where the toe of the shoe is looking. In that direction, and you need to go to meet with your lover. At the first counter man ask his name, so he will call the sucked.
  4. If the sock looks toward the fence, a fortune telling in the name indicates that during the year one should not expect a serious relationship. When the sock burrowed into the ground, the relationship will be, but exceptionally friendly.

Guessing on cards in the name of a guy

On the sheet of paper, write the name of the guy whose feelings you want to know. To lead the fortune-telling to the guy on the playing cards, use this instruction:

  1. Take a deck of cards that should be used solely for predictions. Get out of it the main cards, that is jacks, ladies, kings and aces.
  2. Stir them and lay one for each letter. When the cards are finished, take the last pile and spread it over the remaining columns.
  3. Repeat such manipulations until one pile is left. To continue the fortune telling to the guy's name, start turning over two cards, postponing pairs.

The interpretation is as follows:

Guessing on names on paper

One of the simplest fortunetelling is "Hundred" and many people perceive it for entertainment, but if you want to find out the truthful answer, then it is by no means impossible. Guessing in the name of a husband or a boy is done like this:

  1. Make a name and write down all numbers from 1 to 100 without zeros. At the end, write down the full date, too, without zeros. The length of the string can be any.
  2. Begin to scratch out two numbers that should be either the same, or give a total of 10. Do this horizontally and vertically.
  3. Write the remaining numbers again, but their number in the line must be equal to the number of letters in the lover's name.
  4. Repeat until all possible variants have been erased. After that, calculate the amount of the remaining figures and see the value.

The interpretation of fortune telling in the name is as follows:

Divination - names under the pillow

In church holidays it is customary to conduct various fortune-telling and they will have the greatest power in Christmas. You need to take a piece of paper and cut it into strips. On each write a man's name. To conduct fortune telling in the name of a loved one, put all the pieces of paper under the pillow before going to bed. Fall asleep, make a wish for what you want to know about the future chosen one. The first thing to do from the very morning - not looking to get one note from under the pillow and find out the name of the narrowed.

Divination by name on Tarot

To understand what the lover feels, how the relationship will develop and what to expect in the future, you need to prepare a deck. Divination by Tarot cards by name is very simple, so you need to hold a deck in your hands and say the name of the second half a couple of times. After that, ask questions of interest and get one card, which will give an answer. Tarot values ​​are presented here.

Guessing for compatibility by name and surname

To learn about the possible prospects in the relationship, it is necessary to conduct a simple guessing, for which write out the full name. his and his chosen one. After that, do the analysis by writing out the same letters that are in the names. Place them in two bars to make it easier to read. If the result is a two-digit number, then add the digits to a single value, which will give the result. Fortune-telling by name for compatibility is interpreted like this: