Horseradish leaves with joint disease

Various joint diseases today are becoming more common. If earlier they were mainly sick with elderly people, now young people are exposed to disabilities. All the fault is insufficient motor activity, improper diet, mostly sedentary lifestyle. Hearing leaves can help with joint diseases. Use them is recommended as an auxiliary therapy, but in most cases it shows even more effective results.

What are the benefits of horseradish when treating joints?

In fact, horseradish leaves are not only spicy seasonings. For many decades, they are using traditional medicine. Recognition of the plant was obtained thanks to a variety of medicinal composition, which includes such substances:

Healing properties of horseradish leaves in joint diseases help:

In addition, the plant can have a powerful antiseptic and analgesic effect.

How to treat joints with horseradish leaves?

There are quite a lot of recipes saving in case of joint diseases. And most of them are simple. One of the most basic ways to get rid of pain is to prepare a compress. For this, fresh leaves will be needed. They should be doused with boiling water, cool slightly and still warm to attach to the sore spot. To create heat, the wrap is wrapped with a plastic wrap and wrapped in something warm - a scarf or shawl. To conduct the procedure better at night. Do not be alarmed if, in the morning after such treatment of the joints, the leaves of horseradish on the plant are whitish. It is the salt that has separated through the pores. Wipe it with a damp cloth and place the place with cream. The course of treatment should be at least ten days.

There are other ways of using leaves:

  1. The plant helps with arthrosis . In this case, for the treatment of joints, horseradish leaves should be finely chopped, filled with water and placed on a slow fire. Make sure that the medicine does not boil. In a few minutes it will be ready. Dampen in the mixture the fabric for compress, apply to the body and wrap. This procedure is also recommended before bedtime.
  2. As a means for compress use of mixed in equal proportions crushed horseradish, floral honey, glycerin, ammonia 10%, iodine. Before use, the liquid must be infused for ten days.
  3. If you miss joints with horseradish through a meat grinder and mix it with a grated fresh apple, you will get another effective tool for preparing a compress. Ingredients for him, as in the previous recipe, are taken in equal proportions.
  4. For grits use mush from finely chopped leaves, turnips and radishes.
  5. Pour the leaves with boiling water at the rate of one liter per piece. Insist the remedy for three days. After the finished medicine can be added to the bath. Such treatment with horseradish leaves can be used to treat arthrosis of the knee joint, but you should consult a specialist beforehand. Repeat the procedure for three days.
  6. Infusion on the plant helps even with neglected forms of osteochondrosis and arthrosis. To make it, horseradish mixes with honey and is poured with boiled water. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. You need to take it before eating.