How to eat a melon correctly?

At the height of the melon season, it is difficult to pass by the counter with sunny fragrant fruits, refusing to enjoy the choice of the ripe and aromatic melon for its subsequent tasting and enjoying the divine taste. But it is not enough to make a successful purchase. It is necessary to be able to properly prepare the fruit for serving to the table and know certain subtleties of etiquette when using it. About this and many other things that are related to melon, we'll talk further in our material.

How correctly to cut a melon?

Before you start cutting melons, you need to thoroughly wash it. It is better to walk along the perimeter of the fruit washed in a laundry soap with a washcloth. This way it will be possible to wash away most of the toxins contained on the surface and all sorts of pathogenic bacteria. Carefully rinse the soap foam from the melon surface and wipe it dry after that.

Now, with a sharp large knife, cut the fruit in half along and remove the seeds along with the accompanying flesh. It is convenient to make it a dining room or a dessert spoon.

It remains only to cut each half into slices about one and a half centimeters thick and lay them on a dish.

How correctly to eat a melon on etiquette?

At home in the kitchen, you can enjoy the taste of a fragrant fruit as much as you like, for example, taking a lobe with your hands and biting the flesh into a piece. But, being at the table in a decent society, you can not afford such ways of eating delicacies. So how correctly is there a melon in such cases, so as not to show oneself from the worst side, but to impress the cultural person?

If the melon is served on a plate with whole slices, it is necessary to shift one of them to yourself on a plate and cut the melon pulp piece by piece with a knife, while holding the fork with a fork. When feeding the melon pulp with slices of slices (as a rule, the fruit is served at the buffet table) it is necessary to take slices one at a time, transferring them temporarily to yourself on a plate or immediately sending the flesh into the mouth.

How correctly to serve a melon on a table?

If you were the initiator of the feast, you need to know how to properly serve the melon on the table. For individual feeding, it is necessary to cut a melon with slices of a width of 1.5-2 centimeters, cut the pulp with a sharp knife from the peel, leaving it in the same position.

Cut it afterwards along its entire length into small fragments (portioned pieces).

When serving melons on a common dish, the lobules should be left intact, giving the guests the opportunity to choose their own favorite and independently cut it before eating. To do this, it is necessary to give each person a knife and fork.

It will also be appropriate to serve melon in portions, laid on a common dish or in special vases. Very often melons are cut from the melon pulp, using a special device in the form of a round spoon, and serve them together with the same round portions of watermelon.

Making up the menu for a feast, we consider that the melon should not be combined with alcohol and milk, as well as yoghurts and other fermented milk products. Such a duo can lead to a digestive disorder. Cold water and carbonated drinks are also not the best "fellow travelers" for melons. It is better to eat a delicacy yourself, and, trying to withstand even a small interval between the reception of melon and other food.

Eating the melon correctly, you not only get true pleasure from its divine taste and aroma, but replenish the body with an impressive amount of useful elements and vitamins that will only benefit him.