Staphylococcus aureus - treatment

Have you ever thought about the existence of beings around us that are invisible even to the sharpest eye? No, they are not invisible, they are not from other people's planets, and the most common representatives of the microscopic world are microbes and bacteria. They live next to us, in our gardens and gardens, in our houses and apartments, on our bodies and clothes and even inside us.

Some of them help us digest food and protect ourselves against diseases, others - cause poisoning and provoke various diseases. A fairly bright and well-known figure of the latter is considered to be Staphylococcus aureus, about the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in today's article.

Causes of diseases

But before treating the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus with traditional and folk remedies, let's get acquainted with this "invisible". In fact, he is so cunning, as doctors say about him, and who really should be afraid of him.

So, Staphylococcus aureus is a representative of living microflora, and the end of its name suggests that it refers to cocci - microbes, causing various inflammations. The spectrum of the "criminal" activity of this microbe is very wide. It can affect both the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and various parts of the internal organs. And while the immunity of the owner is strong, scab does not show any signs of himself. However, it is worthwhile getting somewhere to get a hold of, overcool, worry, it's great to get tired, how he will certainly get out.

If the infection lives in the nose and nasopharynx, then there is a cold from a slight rhinitis to a powerful pneumonia . If the microbe stuck to the skin, then the latter will blossom with acne. If the gastrointestinal tract is affected, then a condition similar to poisoning or a strong gastritis develops. And if the staphylococcus "climbed" in the heart, then there is a feeling similar to the symptoms of angina and pericarditis.

But the worst thing is when this microbe gets into the blood. In this case, a general inflammation develops - sepsis, especially scary for young children. Many mothers know the term "cooked baby", this is exactly the reaction of the blood to infection with its golden staphylococcus aureus.

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus folk remedies

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus is carried out by antibiotics, since it is a pathogenic flora. And all the difficulty lies in the fact that this microbe quickly adapts to any kind of medication. Therefore, when it is destroyed, a doctor faces two tasks: to prevent the antibiotic from weakening and, at the same time, not to reduce the level of beneficial bacteria.

These rules apply to the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the throat, and in the intestines, and on the skin, and especially in the blood. Good folk medicine can become a good help here. Here are several options for treating Staphylococcus aureus folk remedies.

  1. To raise the general immunity, it is recommended to eat fresh apricots and black currant. In these fruits there is a substance similar to an antibiotic, as well as a high percentage of vitamin C content.
  2. With the defeat of the nasopharynx, rinse with broths from herbs of the turn and marigold, camomile flowers and burdock root is a great help. Just start the rinse immediately after the first signs of infection, not when the disease will gain full strength.
  3. When skin acne , furunculosis and carbuncles are affected , it is recommended to use garlic lotions. To make this medicine, chop the middle head of garlic with a glass of cool boiled water and insist for 2 hours. Then it is well moistened with a bandage and applied to the affected area.
  4. For a general strengthening of the body it is useful 40 minutes before breakfast to drink half a glass of fresh juice from the root of celery and parsley. These plants contain many vitamins and substances similar to antibiotics.

And yet remember, Staphylococcus aureus is a cunning microbe, its main treatment is prescribed by a doctor, and herbs play only an auxiliary role.