Pink zigira

The disease pink lichen is quite common among those people who have a weak immune system, because it is classified as an infectious-allergic dermatosis.

This disease affects both adults and children, and sex does not play any role, as in a number of other diseases.

The causes of the pink lichen Zhibera

Pink lichen arises, first of all, because of weak immunity . Until the end, the etiology of the disease is unknown to science, but there is a hypothesis that the herpesvirus is its causative agent. Proceeding from this, it becomes clear that the maximum risk of getting pink deprive from those people who have recently suffered a cold.

To prove that the disease is associated with a weakened immunity, the fact that pink-leech outbreaks are observed in the spring and autumn is added, even when the body is weakened and can not withstand viruses and infection.

Symptoms: how does pink deprive look?

The pink lichen begins with a small speck of pinkish-yellow in any part of the body. It is called a "mother plaque", which in diameter exceeds 2 cm. This spot is scaly and has a yellow center.

After the center has peeled off, the spot acquires a more intense pink color and a contoured red border. This stage is called "medallion". In the same period, the medallion begins to itch and create a feeling of tightening the skin.

A week after the appearance of the maternal plaque, pink lichen appears on the remaining parts of the body (on the face as well). Most often it first spreads on the abdomen, arms and legs. These pinkish, oval-shaped spots spread along the lines of skin tension (the so-called Langer lines).

Spots itch, and this, in addition to aesthetic, is given considerable discomfort to the patient.

How to cure pink lichen?

In the scientific world, it is considered that pink lichen does not require treatment: the disease passes by itself in a few weeks, and only in severe cases it can last up to six months. Human immunity is able to cope with this problem, and for the same reason, relapses almost never occur.

However, to accelerate the course of the disease is possible by taking the following measures:

  1. Taking high doses of acyclovir at the onset of the disease.
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation in a moderate amount.

In order for the disease not to become complicated, the following rules should be adhered to:

  1. Eliminate friction and irritation in the area where spots occur.
  2. When taking a bath it is better to use a soft washcloth.
  3. Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet can prevent complications, since this disease is allergic in nature.
  4. The use of a minimum amount of cosmetics is also recommended because of an unpredictable reaction.
  5. The toe of woolen and other coarse fabrics can cause complications, so it is better to wear loose clothes made from natural soft tissues during the period of illness.
Treatment of pink lichen folk remedies

The effectiveness of folk remedies against pink lichen is not proven, but some naturopaths believe that lubricating a plaque with liquid under the film of a chicken egg helps to speed up the recovery.

Baths with a turn are always useful for the skin, if the plant is not allergic, so bathing in the broth of the turn is important for those who get sick with pink deprive.

How to quickly cure pink lichen with the help of pharmacy?

Some people, despite the recommendations of doctors, still try to cure the disease with the help of medications. Treatment with iodine pink depriving in some cases is effective: it is enough to lubricate the affected areas with this agent in a day.

Sulfur ointment against pink lichen is another popular method that can be alternated with iodine treatment.

Precautions: how is pink shingles transmitted?

Pink lichen is not transmitted, so close patients can not be afraid for their health.

Precautions should be observed by the patient, using all means to strengthen immunity for a speedy recovery and prevent relapse.