Gardnerella in women - the norm or pathology?

In the composition of the vaginal microflora there are, as useful (lactobacilli), so opportunistic microorganisms. Gardnerella in women enters the normal microflora, but is present in the vagina in a single amount. Let us consider in more detail the disease that causes the gardnerella, its treatment, causes, manifestations.

Gardnerella in women - the causes of

Gardnerella vaginalis is always present in the composition of the vaginal microflora. Single cells of this microorganism are often fixed when determining the degree of purity of the reproductive system. Under certain conditions, increased growth and reproduction of this microorganism is possible, as a result of which gardnerellez develops. Among the causes of pathology, doctors distinguish:

Where does the women's gardnerella come from?

Gardnerella in women is always present in the reproductive system. However, its low concentration does not affect the condition of a woman, it does not cause symptoms. Rapid growth and development of these opportunistic agents is facilitated by certain conditions. Different situations cause reproduction of the Gardnerella in women, the reasons for this may be the following

Analysis for Gardnerella

Gardnerella in women experienced gynecologists can establish on one clinical manifestations and symptoms. Laboratory tests are used to confirm and presume a diagnosis. The basis of these is a smear from the vagina. After the procedure, the collected material is microscopic, determining the amount of gardnerella in the microflora. Among other methods of diagnosing the disease:

Gardnerella is the norm

As already noted above, the gardnerella in the smear is present and normal. However, its concentration is so small that it does not affect the state of the reproductive system. So doctors say about the permissible concentration of this microorganism in an amount of 2-5% of the total microflora composition. The lactobacilli should be 95-98%. Such a composition is a variant of the norm, and does not cause doctors suspicion.

Gardnerella in women - symptoms

Before treating gardnerella in women, doctors conduct a thorough diagnosis. When the concentration of a microorganism like the Gardnerella increases in the vagina, the symptoms do not appear immediately in women. As observations show, on average, from the time of infection to a clear clinical picture, the symptomatology runs from 3 to 10 days. So much time is needed for the microorganism to grow and multiply, increase its colony. After the indicated period, the gardnerella in women causes the following violations:

Excretions in gardnerellez in women

Talking about gardnerellez, the symptoms of which are described above, among the obvious signs of violations of gynecologists note the change in the nature of secretions. They appear immediately after the menstruation, sexual intercourse. Their characteristic feature is an unpleasant smell, which causes a great discomfort to the woman. The patients themselves often compare it to the smell of foul fish. It often intensifies greatly after sexual contact without a condom. Alkaline sperm environment stimulates the formation of volatile amines. In addition to the smell, the discharge is practically the same as usual:

Gardnerella in women - treatment

After the detection of such a disease as gardnerellez, treatment begins immediately. The basis of therapy is antibacterial drugs. The course of treatment consists of 2 stages: a decrease in the concentration of gardnerella and the restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina. How to treat gardnerellez in women doctor determines individually, selecting drugs taking into account the severity of the disease, symptoms, the stage of the pathological process. Simultaneously with antibiotics, as additional funds can be used:

Treatment gardnerelleza in women - drugs, scheme

Treatment gardnerelleza in women is based on antibiotic therapy. Effective in fighting this disease are drugs containing metronidazole. They can be used both locally and inward. The scheme of treatment gardnerelleza in women can look like this:

As tablets containing Metronidazole, doctors prescribe:

The course of treatment is developed individually. Often, women are prescribed 500 mg of medication twice a day. The duration of therapy is at least 7 days. With neglected forms of gardnerellosis, the course can be prolonged up to 10-14 days. The effectiveness of the therapy is assessed by laboratory diagnosis, at the end of the course

Candles from gardnerelleza in women

Talking about how to treat gardnerellez, doctors among other dosage forms put forward suppositories. Candles from gardnerellez help to quickly eliminate the disease, reduce symptoms, ease the patient's well-being. They contain components such as Metronidazole or Tinidazole. Suppositories are injected into the vagina cavity in the morning and evening. The course of therapy lasts not less than 7 days. Therapy begins 1-2 days after the end of menstruation. Among the common suppositories for the treatment of gardnerelleza:

Gardnerellez - consequences

Among the consequences that causes gardnerella, infertility is the most negative for young women. Absence of therapy, untimely diagnosis of the disease leads to irreversible changes in the reproductive system. Often the gardnerella in young women provokes:

Gardnerella during pregnancy

Gardnerella, the presence of which is fixed only when the pathology develops, is often found even when the child is born. In such situations, therapy of the disease is conducted under the supervision of gynecologists, independent treatment is unacceptable. Antibiotics are prescribed no earlier than 14 weeks of gestation - before this time, doctors use expectant tactics. In a situation where the effect for the mother exceeds the risk of complications in the fetus, use Ampicillin in the first trimester. Metronidazole is used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Gardnerella - prevention

Prevention gardnerelleza in women involves a certain number of rules. Following them prevents the development of the disease in more than 90% of cases.

Among the basic rules:

  1. Sexual life with a regular sexual partner. Otherwise, as a means of prevention, it is necessary to use a condom.
  2. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene.
  3. Enhance the body's defenses by taking vitamin complexes.
  4. Prevention of infectious processes in the reproductive system.
  5. Timely diagnosis of extragenital diseases.
  6. Inclusion in the diet of fermented milk products, which contribute to maintain the concentration of beneficial microorganisms in the vagina.