Diet on Perlovka

Kasha - this is a very useful dish, which often acts as a basis in the fight against excess weight and recovery of the body. Diet on a pearl barley for weight loss is a great way for a short time to bring the figure in order.

Benefits of the Perlova

Perlovka is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron , manganese, phosphorus, copper, amino acids, vitamins B, E, PP and other important elements. Lysine, which is a part of pearl barley, perfectly helps to cope with the feeling of hunger. And due to the fiber, present in this product, the peristalsis of the stomach improves. Useful properties of the pearl barley for the diet are determined by vegetable proteins, which allow to adhere to such a food system even for people prone to allergic reactions.

Preparation of pearl barley

To get rid of extra pounds, it is important to know how to cook a pearl barley on a diet. Before cooking it is necessary to soak the croup for 8-10 hours (200 grams of pearl barley you need to take 1 liter of water). After swelling the croup should be poured and poured with 2-3 glasses of water, bring to a boil and cook until ready for about 30 minutes.

Diet menu on perlovka

For 5 days of this diet can get rid of an average of 4-5 kilograms of excess weight. During this period, you need to eat only the porridge prepared in the above way, and the amount of portions is not limited. The drinking regime should consist of unsweetened herbal decoctions (preferably loosening), as well as green tea and mineral water without gas.

Arbitrary diet on the barley

To lose weight on a pearl barley, it is not necessary to eat only porridge. You can make a diet yourself, but just leave the pearl bar as the main dish. An arbitrary variant of the diet allows you to add natural seasonings to the cereal. Exclude from the diet you need fats and sweets, and the last meal should be at the most light and low-calorie.

Stable and positive results can be achieved by adhering to any of the variants of pearl diet. In the early days, excess fluid will leave the body, and then fatty deposits.