How to grow ginger in the garden?

Ginger is a tropical spicy plant, whose homeland is South Asia. This perennial refers to the ginger family. Ginger is used in cooking for baking, making drinks . Found its use in folk medicine.

Many gardeners are interested in where ginger is grown. Although it is a heat-loving plant, ginger can easily be cultivated in areas with a temperate climate, the main thing is to take into account the "tastes" of the plant. Let's find out how to plant and grow ginger from the root.

Ginger - growing in the garden

Those who grow ginger, they know that it multiplies by dividing the rhizome. As you know, to grow ginger in the garden, you can use the usual root, purchased in the market or in the store. However, pay attention to the condition of the rhizome, which must be juicy and dense, with a shiny smooth skin.

Before starting to grow ginger in the open ground, the root must be germinated. Do it in early spring. Best for germination is a wide and low pot. For planting, one should take a piece of rhizome ginger approximately 5 cm long, which has 1-2 vegetative buds. Previously, on the bottom of the pot you need to put a layer of drainage. The earth mixture should consist of sheet humus, turf and sand, taken in equal parts. Root for 2-3 hours, immerse in warm water so that it "wakes up", and then disinfect the pink solution of potassium permanganate. Now the root must be buried with eyes upwards and sprinkled with a layer of earth a few centimeters. Planted root should be well watered. In a couple of weeks, young sprouts will appear on the ginger seedling.

In late spring, the germinating ginger seedling can be planted in the open ground. For planting ginger should choose a place in the penumbra. Remove from the pot, place the seedling in the previously prepared well at the same depth at which it grew in the pot. Spraying is something that ginger loves, so do it as often as possible.

In addition to its health benefits and nutritional value, ginger is also a very beautifully flowering plant. If you are going to grow it for decorative purposes, then it will be grateful to you for feeding phosphorus and potassium top dressing, which will stimulate its growth and flowering. And if you want to use the root for food, then fertilize with compost or wood ash.

The harvest of ginger grown by own hands can be collected after the leaves die.

As we see, growing ginger in the open ground is no difficulty. But all summer your garden will decorate this beautiful plant, and throughout the winter on the table there will be a useful spice.