Juice made from black chokeberry - good and bad

The benefits of juice from black chokeberry has long been scientifically proven through experiments. It has been used since ancient times in folk medicine to cope with various ailments and improve overall health.

How useful is the juice of aronia?

The juice contains many vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other nutrients that are healthy. First of all, it should be said that you can not use pure undiluted juice, because it is too saturated and can provoke irritation.

  1. Useful properties of the juice of chokeberry are associated with its positive effect on the activity of the digestive system, since it activates the action of gastric juice, which helps digest food better.
  2. Juice has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, normalizing the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Chokeberry has anti-allergic and antioxidant properties, and it also strengthens immunity.
  4. Juice is effective in the treatment of endocrine diseases, as well as problems associated with the nervous system.
  5. Still it is used in the treatment of burns, rubbing the affected areas.
  6. Due to its unique chemical composition, chokeberry ashberry is an excellent aid for removing harmful substances from the body, and it also contributes to the restoration of the thyroid gland.

It is important to know not only the benefits of juice from the black chokeberry, but also possible harm. You can not drink it to people who have gastrointestinal diseases, for example, an ulcer and gastritis with high acidity. Contraindicated chokeberry with hypotension and thrombophlebitis . Since the juice has a fixing effect, it should be carefully drunk to people who are prone to constipation. One should not forget about the existence of an individual intolerance to chokeberry ash.