Glasperlene Sterilizer

To avoid infection during the manicure or pedicure , all instruments must be sterilized. You can do this in many ways, but more and more often masters in salons choose glasperlene sterilizers. How they work and what is their advantage in comparison with other similar devices, we will consider in this article.

Glasperene Sterilizer Device

This sterilizer may look different in appearance: as a round vertical bulb or a rectangular box. From the form of the principle of its work and filling absolutely does not change.

The outer part of any such sterilizer is made of high-quality plastic, and the inner part is made of heat-resistant metal. The filler for the glasperlene sterilizer is quartz balls. For this he often calls "ball". Around the bulb, where the instruments are to be placed, there are powerful heating elements capable of reaching + 250 ° C fast enough.

The principle of the sterilizer operation is that the device heats the inside of the beads to very high temperatures (+240 ° C), which results in the death of all the bad microorganisms (microbes, fungi and viruses) that are placed on this instrument flask.

How to use a glasperlene sterilizer?

Glasperlene sterilizers can be used for small and medium-sized instruments. These include: scissors, tweezers, burs, needles, saws, scalpels, cutters, probes.

30 minutes prior to the sterilization procedure, the quartz beads must be filled in the flask, the device must be plugged into the socket and the start button pressed on it. The lamp should light up on the body, indicating that the heating process has begun. After the specified time (or when the indicator goes out), the sterilizer must be opened and immersed in a flask with heated balls for 10-30 seconds. After removing the disinfected items, the flask can be loaded again, since the balls cool down long enough.

Rules for the use of glasperene sterilizer:

  1. Sterilize only metal objects that can be placed in a flask only in a clean and dry form.
  2. The maximum time that you can hold instruments in the sterilizer is 40 seconds.
  3. If used frequently, replace quartz beads every year. If this is not done, they will lose their thermal conductivity and will be warmed up to the necessary temperature for a longer time.
  4. Sterilize immediately before use to ensure that the instruments remain clean.
  5. Sterilize only with the lid closed. This will help to avoid accidental burns.

Advantages of using glasperlene sterilizer:

  1. Compared with methods of soaking or boiling tools in disinfecting solutions, the use of a glasperlene sterilizer does not negatively affect them. They can not be corroded, dull or deformed.
  2. Glasperlenovy sterilizer has a compact size, and also consumes a small amount of electricity.
  3. The process of sterilization takes very little time. To achieve the desired effect, even 10-20 seconds is enough, and since it can be used several times in a row, a large number of instruments can be disinfected within a short period of time.

Its only drawback is high cost.

Thanks to these qualities, the glasperlene sterilizer for manicure instruments can be used not only in salons, but at home. After all, there is nothing difficult in its operation.