Kendall Jenner shared her thoughts on smartphones and selfies

The famous model Kendall Jenner is one of those who can boast the best photo sessions and cooperation with the most prestigious brands. In addition to working as a model, Kendall is still giving out interviews. The latter will be published in the October issue of Glamor Allure, but we already know what the famous model was talking about.

Smartphones, selfies and belfi

Recently, the world has completely plunged into the dependence of all gadgets, and smartphones are no exception. Kendall considers them to be a big problem of modern society, which is openly and declares:

"I know many people who can not live without a gadget. This can be called an addiction. I even had cases when I was dining in a restaurant with a man, and he always looked at the screen of the smartphone. It really offended me. Am I so uninteresting that there's nothing to talk to me about? And I can honestly admit that in our family there are also people who do not part with smartphones. Even when we spend time together, they still do not come off the gadget screen. "

Recently Kendall's page in Instagram is filled with new and new pictures of her priests. It turns out that this is a new fashion trend, which is called Belfi. Jenner said a few words about this:

"You know, sometimes you flip through someone's page, and on it are such beautiful seelfi and belfi. I think it's very cool. But with Belfi you need to be very careful, I'm attracted to only beautiful pictures. I myself, too, love to make selfie and belfi. Before placing them on the network, I always carefully review them. "
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Friendship and Love

Everyone knows that Kendall is friends with Gigi Hadid, Haley Baldwin and Kara Delevin. This four in a narrow circle was called Super Real Group of Friends, and Jenner says this:

"SNGs - it's certainly a bit silly, but we call ourselves that. We all live such cool lives, which we have dreamed of since childhood. Is not it beautiful? As for me, I'm always being honest. I'm a scorpion by the zodiac sign, and this sign is straightforward and honest, not only in friendship, but also in love. "

Once touched on this topic, the interviewer asked a question about his personal life, but Kendall skillfully did not answer this question:

"You know, I'm very young. And this means that my young man will also be young. But this does not need to be said. I believe that if you do not understand, then it is better not to touch upon this topic at all then. "