Party in the style of casino

The theme party will be a wonderful and fun holiday option. It is only necessary to think in advance of the appropriate topics and warn the guests about the planned entertainment. Party in the style of the casino is suitable even for a small company or for small rooms. It can be successfully held even in a city apartment.

Casino party scenario

So, with the place and the number of guests you have decided. Now think over the design of the room for the party. Required tables for card games (their number should be sufficient), as well as a bar, where there will be treats and drinks. If there is an opportunity, it is better to invite a real bartender, who will create the impression of a real casino. But if this is not possible, then you can prepare a number of different cocktails in advance and put on the bar, so that everyone can choose what he likes. Dense heavy fabrics are suitable as a decor: velvet and brocade, covering furniture, serving as tablecloths. The light should be muffled, soft music can play (soundtracks from films about gangsters, jazz, blues compositions will do).

Contests for a casino-style party include traditional card games (poker, blackjack), as well as roulette. In addition, you can come up with other entertainment. For example, ask to identify the bill by touch, tied the participants eyes. Another option is a money race. Everyone should blow on their bill until it crosses the finish line. Another contest: put coins and bills in the bank and ask the participants to guess how much money there is in it. The winner is the one who gives the answer closest to the truth.

What to wear for a casino-style party?

Of course, the outfits must also be appropriate. For women - it's evening and cocktail dresses , a lot of jewelry, neat hairstyles, fur. An elegant detail will be long gloves . Men usually wear a strict suit with a white shirt or replace a jacket with a vest. Another option is a white shirt, trousers and