Pose for meditation

You can meditate standing, walking along the street, listening to the chef's moralizing, doing household things, because meditation is a lack of consciousness . It is believed that during meditation a person should observe the thoughts appearing in the mind, which fly past like clouds. You do not have to think about them, develop their course or modify them, just watch them. Experienced yogis and those who practice spiritual practices can immerse their minds in such a state at any time and in any posture. But, for starters, you need to learn to do this in a state of complete rest - in a meditation pose, in a quiet and secluded place, with your eyes closed.

Lotus Pose

Perhaps the most correct pose for meditation is the lotus (padmasana). In this position, you sit on the floor, put the right foot on the left hip, and the left foot on the right thigh, thus placing your legs crossed. At the same time, we keep our hands on our knees. Lotus is bad that most of us if and can twist their legs in this way, then to maintain the position, and even more so, the state of rest in this position, is simply unrealistic.

But if your joints are developed enough for meditation in the lotus position, we congratulate you, for you have a number of advantages.

Lotus - the best posture for maintaining posture, and straightness of the spine - this is perhaps the first thing to which meditation should be accustomed. From the waist to the crown should be one, an inseparable line, the so-called energy flow. It will include cosmic energy in you.

In addition, the lotus is the posture of acceptance in meditation. You completely close energetically (legs are pressed to the body, feet on the hips, hands on the knees), therefore, a lot of energy is generated inside of you.

Poses for beginners

But you do not need to give up meditation, if the lotus is still unbearable. There is a half-lotus and sukhasana (sitting sitting in Turkish).

These are ideal postures for meditation for beginners, not requiring you to stretch the heights. For half-lotus (sidhasana), one should put one of the feet on the opposite thigh, and press the lower foot to the groin. And everyone can sit in Turkish: just cross your legs. We do not forget to place our hands on our knees.

If in these poses you can not sit and meditate for a long time, meditate, use any other convenient sitting position for you. The main thing is that your back should be flat.

Therefore, meditation in the chair is not suitable - we will always adjust to the bends of a comfortable chair. But the Christian posture for meditation - sitting on the heels, will suit those who do not get sick in this position.

To facilitate the lotus, half-lotus and sukhasana, you can put a pillow under the buttocks and, of course, practice them daily.