Red spots on the baby's body

As a child, a person has time to suffer from a variety of diseases. Even if the child is highly immune, it is unlikely that many colds and specific childhood diseases, such as rubella, chicken pox and others, will bypass it. Therefore, it is always useful for parents to learn about how various diseases develop in children, what are their signs and symptoms, how to distinguish measles from scarlet fever, etc.

The causes of red spots on the child's body

This article will deal with such a common symptom as red spots on the child's body. Its peculiarity is that these spots can be a sign of a dozen absolutely different diseases, and it is sometimes difficult to understand what the baby is all the same sick. Your attention is offered useful information - a list of diseases in which a child can become covered with red spots.

  1. Rubella is a typical childhood viral disease. Its main symptoms are low temperature, headache, conjunctivitis and sore throat. A few days later, red spots appear on the face and arms of the child, which then spread to the whole body. The rash is often small-stalky, it does not itch and disappears without peeling for a week.
  2. Measles is a contagious disease that, nevertheless, does not require specific treatment and passes by itself. Corcus begins with fever, runny nose and cough, and children often have watery eyes. After a few days, there are characteristic spots that "grow" and turn into large red spots that are localized first on the head in the child, and then on the body and limbs.
  3. Scarlet fever is a more dangerous disease than both of the above, because measles and rubella are caused by viral infections, and scarlet fever is bacterial, which means that it requires antibiotic treatment. The rash with rubella has a point character: very small bright red dots on the background of reddened skin. It manifests itself most often on the folds of the hands and feet, on the cheeks, on the side parts of the body. In addition to the rash, the characteristic symptoms of scarlet fever are sore throat, as in angina, and high fever.
  4. Roseola baby , or sudden exanthema - a disease that manifests itself only up to 2 years of age. The child rises sharply body temperature, and it can reach 39-40 ° C, and lasts for several days. After 3-4 days, the temperature drops, and after a couple of hours red or pink spots appear on the face and body of the baby, which do not itch, do not flake and pass by themselves for 4-5 days.
  5. If a child has rough red spots on his body (dry or flaky) in a small amount, this is a serious reason for visiting a dermatologist. On examination, the doctor is likely to determine such an unpleasant disease as a lichen . It often occurs in children, because they like to play with street cats and dogs. The lichen can be pink, multicolored, girdling or cutting. To clarify the diagnosis is usually assigned to the analysis - scraping the cells of the affected skin.
  6. Chicken pox can also cause rashes. But to distinguish it from other diseases is easier. When the chickenpox stains in the child is not red, but pink, in time they become convex and take the form of bubbles with a liquid inside. This rash is very itchy, than it delivers to the child and his parents a lot of anxiety, because you can not scratch it, so as not to infect the wound. In addition, chicken pox is also characterized by high fever, a sense of weakness.
  7. Allergic dermatitis is a very common disease in children of the first years of life. Allergic reactions are often manifested in the form of rashes and spots of a different nature on the head and body of the baby.
  8. Red spots in the child's mouth are a clear sign of stomatitis . This disease manifests itself in different forms and requires obligatory observation of the doctor.
  9. Large solitary red spots on the body can be a reaction to insect bites . Typically, they are characterized by swelling, tenderness, or itching. When biting stinging insects, the child should immediately provide first aid.

Knowing the information about possible childhood diseases and their symptoms, you can always respond in time and provide the necessary help to your baby. But remember, that in any case a competent doctor should prescribe the treatment to the child.