Goose meat - good and bad

What is useful for goose meat, well know the Chinese. They use this kind of meat not only for cooking, but also for treatment. In our countries it is possible to purchase goose meat only at home production, as the industrial cultivation of geese is not developed because of the difficulties in caring for them.

Benefit of goose meat

Goose meat has many useful properties:

The rich composition of the goose meat will have a positive effect on the condition of the organism in any diseases, strengthen it and cleanse it.

Harm meat goose

Goose meat, apart from its usefulness, has some harm. It is fat and high in calories , so it is not recommended for people who are prone to fatness, having problems with the liver and children up to three years of age. Due to the high fat content goose meat is best not to eat in the evening.

The harm of goose meat can be reduced if you buy meat from a young bird. The meat of a young domestic goose is tender, sweet to taste and contains the maximum concentration of nutrients. A bird whose age exceeds six months, loses useful qualities, and its meat coarsens.