Grapes during pregnancy

As you know, the period of pregnancy is the time of taste preferences. Sometimes my future mother wants to eat something that I did not want to eat before. If the period of pregnancy falls on the second half of summer and autumn - this is an excellent opportunity to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Grapes are useful, tasty and beloved by many berry. We will try to answer in detail the questions: "Can grapes be pregnant? Is grapes useful for pregnant women? Are there any contraindications to eating grapes during pregnancy? "

What is useful for grapes for pregnant women?

To learn about the benefits of grapes for pregnant women, you should consider what substances are part of this berry. Everyone knows that the brighter the berry, the more antioxidants it contains (substances that neutralize toxins and free radicals that can destroy healthy cells). Therefore, the darker the grapes, the more antioxidants it contains. Cholagogue, diaphoretic and diuretic action of this berry contributes to better removal of toxins from the body of a pregnant woman. Grapes contain natural carbohydrates (glucose), coarse fiber, organic acids, pectin, enzymes, trace elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt and iron) and vitamins (A, E, B, P, ascorbic acid).

The use of grapes is a good prevention of anemia in pregnancy and increases immunity, as it stimulates the work of the bone marrow. A large amount of coarse fiber normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to the normalization of the stool divergence. This is very important during pregnancy, as constipation can lead to hemorrhoids, and diarrhea increases the tone of the uterus. Grapes during pregnancy can well quench your thirst and satisfy the need for sweet. The bactericidal effect of grapes protects the body against colds during pregnancy.

When and why can not pregnant women eat grapes?

Now let's talk about the negative consequences that grape consumption may have. When pregnant, you can eat grapes in small amounts, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, as the high content of sugar in it can promote rapid weight gain and increase the weight of the fetus. This can significantly complicate childbirth. Excessive consumption of grapes pregnant can lead to fermentation in the intestines, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and diarrhea. Categorically forbidden reception of grapes if allergic reactions were noted earlier after its reception.

Whether it is possible at pregnancy grapes and what?

Different types of grapes have a different spectrum of nutrients. The most useful are grape varieties of dark colors. They contain a large amount of potassium and other components that can prevent the increase in heart rate and increase in blood pressure. This is its property makes grapes for pregnant women especially useful as a prevention of late gestosis .

White or green grapes during pregnancy are less useful than black and red, since it contains a minimal set of useful substances.

Thus, we examined whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat grapes. As you can see, if a woman before pregnancy and used to tolerate this berry, then during pregnancy will not cause harm. When choosing grapes pregnant, preference should be given to berries of dark color. White grapes contain a lot of glucose and few useful substances, so they should not get involved. The use of grape berries can be replaced with grape juice, which is recommended to drink in the morning.