How to clean cedar nuts in the home?

Pine nuts are called genuine Siberian gold. This title is a northern delicacy due to an impressive supply of useful properties, vitamins, elements and substances, as well as its delicious taste. Perhaps the only drawback of the fruits of Siberian pine, is their excessively hard shell, for the purification of which will have to put some effort.

How quickly to peel the pine nuts from the shell at home?

Siberians have long peeled cedar nuts with their teeth, doing this in three counts. But we do not recommend risking the health of your teeth, and not all of them are as strong as the inhabitants of Siberia. In addition, if you need to polish a certain amount of seeds, say, for salad , then this method does not fit in the sense of not hygienic. Unless of course you are not planning to eat this salad in splendid isolation.

In any case, it is ideal to use for cleansing cedar nuts already proven tricks, which make it possible to simplify the process as much as possible and complete it with small time and power costs.

One of the fastest ways to clean pine nuts is the so-called "shock therapy". For it, we pour pine fruit on a warm dry (without oil) frying pan or put it in the oven at 120 degrees for three minutes. During this time, the nuts will warm up and they must be immediately poured into icy water with pieces of ice. From a drop in temperature, the nut shells crack and it can be easily removed by pinching down a little with a rolling pin and extracting the desired nucleoli. But here it is very important not to overcook the nuts in order to avoid the loss of their valuable palatability and useful qualities.

Still, as an option, you can soak pine nuts for thirty minutes in boiling water, and then roll with a rolling pin or split with a hammer, spreading them in advance with one layer on the cutting board. It is very important not to damage the integrity of the nucleoli. In the same way, frozen nuts can also be cleaned, but this should be done quickly, until the shell is warmed and fragile.

It is necessary not to forget that cedar nuts peeled at home are not stored for a long time and very quickly lose their taste qualities. Therefore, they should be immediately used for food, especially if they were previously frozen or soaked in water.