Favorable days for planting tomatoes - cunning, how can you get a rich harvest

To get healthy seedlings, strong plants and harvest a good harvest, it is useful to know the favorable days for planting a tomato. Suitable dates are selected depending on the climatic conditions and the landing site, and the Moon phase calendar is also used.

Which days are favorable for planting a tomato?

When choosing suitable dates for sowing tomatoes, several criteria must be considered.

  1. From climatic conditions. In most cases, planting should be carried out two months before the date of landing in the soil. If you do not take into account this rule, the saplings will outgrow and will not take root well. Experienced gardeners indicate that the softer the climate, the earlier it is necessary to sow the seeds. On the street landing is carried out only when there are favorable conditions: warm and you can not be afraid of frost. In most areas, these planting dates for tomatoes fall in May, so the sowing should be carried out in the middle-end of March. In southern territories, time can be shifted to the beginning of February.
  2. From the grade. Each variety has its own growing characteristics and its own maturity. Favorable days for planting tomatoes can be indicated on the packaging, but it should be borne in mind that manufacturers often focus on Central European standards. Tall grades should be sown from the end of February to the beginning of March, early and medium ripeness grades - March 10-22, early and cherry - on April 9-14, and for late-ripening - the end of February is favorable. You can determine the appropriate day yourself, given the growing season, which in most cases is 110 days.
  3. Place of planting. The terms of disembarkation also depend on where the bushes will later be transplanted. When planting in the ground under the film of early varieties, the period of 2-3 March will be favorable. Tomatoes with high shrubs for greenhouses are planted in late March, and dwarfs - in the 1-2 decade of April. Tomatoes, which produce fruits on the street early, are sown in early April.

It is important to know and suitable timing for planting tomato seedlings, so they depend on the variety. Early ripening allows you to collect ripe fruits 105 days after sowing, and there are also early forms - 85 days. It is better to transplant 45-50 days after the formation of the seedlings. Be sure to watch the weather, so, a week before the landing must be warm and dry weather. The night must be at least 10 ° C. In southern territories planting seedlings is carried out from mid-April to May, and in other areas - from 1 to 15 May.

Grades with an average degree of ripening give fruits after 110-115 days. Planting seedlings is recommended to be carried out two months after the appearance of the seedlings, so, for the southern territories the best time is from 1 to 15 May. As for the late varieties, the fruiting begins in 116-120 days. Planting seedlings should be carried out 70 days after the appearance of seedlings.

Favorable days for planting a tomato in February

When planning the planting time, it should be borne in mind that overgrown seedlings may not be suitable, and this can cause a significant reduction in yield. For this reason, it is not advisable to hurry with seeding of planting material. Seeding of tomato seeds for seedlings in February can be carried out on a day that is easy to determine by the formula: the date of disembarkation is minus 70 days. For example, if the seedling transplant will be carried out on April 20, then it is necessary to sow the seeds approximately on February 10.

Favorable days for planting a tomato in March

The terms of sowing are influenced by natural conditions and the selected variety. Since March, a light day begins to grow, which is important for the growth and development of sprouts. Planting tomatoes for seedlings in March is held in the early days of the month. Early tomatoes with further growing in the greenhouse should be sown from 12 to 17 March. When choosing tall varieties for greenhouses, the best time for planting is considered the second half of March, but it is recommended to plant large tomatoes in the first days of spring.

Days of planting a tomato by the lunar calendar

To determine the appropriate dates, you can focus on the lunar calendar, because the satellite can both positively and negatively affect the development of bushes. The lunar calendar for planting a tomato changes every year and you need to keep an eye on the appropriate timing. In 2018, in March, the best dates are 3, 4 and 7 when the satellite is in the growth phase in the constellation Taurus.

As for the time that is not recommended for planting - the loss of the Moon, because at this time the juices are moving to the roots and growing seedlings will be bad. Choosing favorable days for planting tomato seeds, it is worth considering not only the phase of the moon, since the influence of the constellation of the Zodiac. The best signs for planting tomatoes include: Cancer, Libra and Taurus. Refuse to sow the seeds should be when the moon is in such signs: Aries, Leo and Virgo.

What are the unfavorable days for planting a tomato?

According to the calendar of the phases of the moon, it is possible to determine not only favorable but also inappropriate days for planting. If you still ignore the prohibition, then the seeds will not germinate well and the plants can get sick. Unfavorable days in March for planting a tomato is the new moon period and when the moon is full plus minus two days. At this time there is a violation of the natural process of plant development.