Gutalax - analogues

Guttalax is a medicinal product of local laxative action. The active substance of this drug is sodium picosulphate. It is bacterially cleaved in the intestine, thereby stimulating peristalsis. Guttalax has analogues. These are drugs that differ by coincidence - the composition, the code of the automatic telephone exchange and the form of release.

Complete analogs of the medicine

Complete analogues of Guttalax (in terms of composition, ATS code and form of release) are such preparations:

  1. Pikolaks are drops for oral administration. They are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation. The therapeutic effect of this drug develops approximately 6-12 hours after administration, so it should be taken in the evening. Pikolaks can be used both for various constipations , and to facilitate defecation for patients suffering from cancer.
  2. Slabilaks-Zdorovie - contact laxative drug, produced in the form of drops. It is bacterially cleaved in the large intestine and stimulates its mucosa. As a result, it stimulates defecation, reduces the transit period and softens feces. The onset of action of Slabilax-Health takes place within 6 to 12 hours.
  3. Regulax Picosulfate is a drop for oral administration. They irritatively affect the receptors of the intestinal wall and as a result acceleration of peristalsis is observed. The development of the effect should be expected about 10 hours after taking the drug. Application of Regulax Picosulfate facilitates the natural process of emptying and makes it painless, while the systemic action of these drops is negligible.

Other analogues of Gutalax

You have not found the complete analogs of Gutalax in the pharmacy and do not know what else you can replace this drug with? Do not worry! The given medicine has also medicines-synonyms. They have a different composition, but they are similar in effect and indications for use. So, instead of Gutalax, you can take Dufalac. It is a syrup that exerts a hyperosmotic laxative effect. It has practically no side effects and it can be used even to treat constipation in children under 1 year old. But it is unequivocal to say that it is better than Guttalax or Dufalac, since in each specific case the laxative is transferred in different ways.

Another good remedy for constipation is Regulax. This drug is produced in the form of cubes on a fruit basis. This is a good remedy for constipation of a short-term nature. To all who suffer from chronic constipation, you should know that instead of Regulax is better to take Guttalax, as fruit cubes can cause addiction to the body.