Spray of Aleran

Almost every second woman faces the problem of hair loss today. There are too many reasons for this: a problematic ecology, constant stresses and emotional overstrain, an improper diet. Spray Aleran - a remedy that should be in the arsenal of every lady suffering from hair loss. It is known for a long time already. As practice has shown, the spray really works and is very effective.

Spray of Aleran

The effectiveness of the spray for Alaran's hair is explained by his unique composition. Each of the components is useful in its own way:

  1. The basis of Alerana is a non-hormonal component of minoxidil . It acts directly on the hair follicles, strengthening them. This helps stop hair loss and growth of new hair.
  2. Provitamin B5 moisturizes the scalp. Thanks to this component, the hair structure is restored.
  3. Extract of nettle with the addition of vitamin C is also necessary for strengthening.

Action spray from hair loss Aleran

Already after the first application of Alerana, you can notice some changes. Some - because after the first procedure, hair loss can only increase. And this is quite normal phenomenon, to which you need to be ready. It does not last long, and in a few weeks a positive result will be seen.

Spray for Aleran hair acts as follows:

The most effective means is if it is started in the early stages of baldness (well, or when intense hair loss has just begun).

Spray is produced in two main types - two- and five-percent. They differ in the amount of the main active substance. And accordingly, the intensity of their effect on the hair is also different. A 5% spray against Alaran hair loss is prescribed in more difficult situations. In general, experts prefer to seek help from a less powerful 2% facility.

When and how to use Alan's spray?

Assigned to Alerna patients who are diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia. Simply put, with baldness. It is recommended to use spray and to restore hairstyle after stresses and infections. Many experts note Aleran as a means to help restore hair, spoiled by frequent and unsuccessful stains.

Apply Alan's balm-spray to the outside. At a time, about one milliliter of the drug should be applied to the hair - approximately, seven strokes. Repeat procedure twice a day. All affected parts of the hair cover are treated, starting from the central region. Apply the drug only on dry hair. It is not necessary to wash it. For convenience, complete with a spray supplied special spray nozzles.

Although Alerana and an effective spray for hair growth, the tool does not start immediately. For a full restoration of hair can take a single month. The optimal course of treatment is a year. Although some managed to be cured for one hundred percent and for shorter periods - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Since Alerana is a remedy, there is nothing surprising in that it has contraindications:

  1. The spray is not suitable for people with increased sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.
  2. Refuse to Alerana better in old age.
  3. It is not recommended to use the product during pregnancy and during lactation.