List of free medicines for pregnant women

Myth or reality? Free medications for pregnant women - many will perceive this information as a rally. And all because they do not know about their rights, and doctors are not in a hurry to immediately upload "trump cards". Nevertheless, the list of medicines for pregnant women, which can be obtained completely free of charge, does exist. But what preparations are included in this list, and what are the conditions for obtaining them, let's try to understand.

What medications are prescribed to pregnant women free of charge in the Russian Federation?

The receipt of free medicines by pregnant women is envisaged within the framework of the "Health" project, the main purpose of which is to provide material and medical assistance to families awaiting replenishment. In other words, the state allocates a sum of money, which compensates for the costs of purchasing certain medications, which are often required by women in the situation. Thus, every future mother, in accordance with the law, has the right to take advantage of the stipulated benefits and to receive absolutely free of charge certain medicines needed for her or her baby to promote health and maintain pregnancy.

The rules and procedures for obtaining free medicines by pregnant women are as follows:

  1. Free medicines can be given to a pregnant woman only if she is registered with a women's polyclinic.
  2. Get prescribed medications, which are listed in the list of free medicines for pregnant women, you can only if you have a prescription, written by a doctor. The prescription should include: complete patient data, name, number and address of the LCD, doctor's signature, current date and round seal.
  3. As a rule, the delivery of medicines is carried out at a nearby pharmacy.

As for the very list of medications for pregnant women, which can be obtained for free, this includes: complex vitamins, iron preparations, folic acid, as well as calcium and iodine-containing drugs. To be more precise, it is:

What medications are prescribed to pregnant women free of charge in Ukraine?

Unfortunately, the legislation of Ukraine does not provide for providing pregnant women with free medications. The only thing that Ukrainian families can count on is a maternity allowance, one-time help at birth and monthly payments of up to three years. However, it is worth noting that in both countries, crumbs up to 3 years old have the right to rely on the help of the state, in the form of free medicines, the list of which should be provided to parents in the children's polyclinic.