Gainers - harm

There are different types of sports nutrition, and among them stands a geener with a strict specialization. It is a protein-carbohydrate mixture designed to speed up mass sets for those people who by nature have a normal or lean physique and are not inclined to recruit fat mass. We will consider what harm from the geyner, and to whom it is safe to take.

What is a geyner for?

Gainer is the most natural kind of sports nutrition for a person, since it, like common foods, includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In its composition can also be creatine, amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances.

Since the share of carbohydrates in this product is from 30 to 70%, it can be very dangerous for those who are naturally inclined to typing fat, this is the first and obvious harm of the geyner - but only with mismanagement.

Take a geyner is dangerous not only for the full men, but for the girls. Taking into account the fact that in women the metabolism by nature is weaker than in men, the heiner is contraindicated in general, in order to avoid a set of excess fatty layer.

Is there any harm from the geyner?

Like other elements of sports nutrition, the geyners are created from natural products, and in their effect on the body are no different from the usual products that we eat every day. These are not steroid anabolics, which are really dangerous, but simply an additional food for the muscles and the body as a whole.

Of course, individual intolerance of the components of the product is not excluded, but food allergies can be caused by useful components of nutrition - honey, citrus, etc. Thus, it can be said with certainty that the gainer does not carry potential damage to the body, and can be used along with conventional nutrition.