How to live alone in a woman?

The feeling of loneliness periodically appears in every person throughout his life, but some perceive it negatively, while others manage to derive benefit from it. Women are more acutely experiencing loneliness, even when this state is their conscious choice. How can a woman learn to live alone and at the same time be happy and self-sufficient? The answer to this question can not be unambiguous, as are the reasons that led to loneliness.

What leads to loneliness?

Loneliness in a person's life is not uncommon, we are all alone in this or that situation. For someone, this is painful and difficult, but for others it is an informed choice. If loneliness weighs and makes you suffer, it is important to find out the reason, and to look for ways to solve the problem - to accept and learn to live alone or change the situation.

It is not always possible to understand the cause that led to loneliness. It's easy to talk about the loneliness of people leading a closed life . However, quite often it happens that a woman is active in communication, successful at work, has friends and is quite social, but her personal life is not arranged.

There are several reasons for the loneliness of a woman, most of them provoke herself:

  1. Improper evaluation of one's appearance is one of the most common causes of female loneliness, and the skew of self-esteem can be either in the direction of humiliation or in the direction of excessive self-esteem. If a woman finds herself not attractive, it is often caused by children's complexes. A little work on yourself, a visit to the beauty salon, beautician and make-up artist will help to quickly cope with this problem. With a reassessment of their appearance, everything is much more complicated, perfectionism is a common cause of loneliness, as finding a pair for a person who finds himself ideal is very difficult. In this case, the help of a psychologist is necessary.
  2. Unsuccessful experience of personal relationships. People say that when they burn themselves on milk, they blow on water, in practice it means fear of a repetition of a dramatic situation from the past.
  3. Loss of a loved one. Not many women who buried their husbands decide to marry again. Widows somehow have to learn to live alone and find in it their advantages.
  4. Conscious loneliness is a woman's personal choice to live alone, as the best and most comfortable option for her.

How to live alone in a woman - advice of psychologists

Psychologists advise not to get discouraged and not look at your loneliness as a negative factor. In fact, there are a lot of advantages in this situation:

  1. The first advantage of a lonely life is freedom. You can spend hours doing your favorite thing, reading, drawing, going to the movies and theaters, meeting your girlfriends, taking care of yourself. As a rule, a married woman for these studies has to literally cut out of the tight schedule.
  2. Independence and the lack of the need to adjust your life to someone's interests and needs. This applies to all aspects of our life, you can build a schedule of your own affairs without looking at your partner.

Wondering how to live alone in a woman at 50 and more years, it should be noted that most of the ladies by this time are already close, or have already retired. And this means that there is a lot of free time for new interesting activities. The vast majority of women in the first half of their lives are engaged in the upbringing of children, work, home, time for themselves, and there are practically no personal interests.

When children grow up and there is no need for daily work and care, many women discover new talents - some are engaged in needlework, some are florists and floriculture, some are pursuing an old dream and go to learn how to draw, dance or take pictures. The main thing is that it is necessary to understand this, loneliness is not a sentence, but new opportunities.