What foods contain vitamin B17?

Vitamin B17 or amygdalin is a compound of cyanide and benzaldehyde molecules. The substance is quite toxic, so for absolutely healthy people, there will not be much benefit in large numbers, but oncological patients can, because today they fight with cancer precisely through toxic and poisonous chemotherapy. Knowing what products contain vitamin B17, it is possible to prolong and consolidate the effect of chemotherapy, but this is all at the level of alternative medicine, of course.

Products containing vitamin B17

One of the constituents of amygdaline is hydrocyanic acid or hydrogen cyanide, which can be found in:

In official medicine there is no evidence of the use of amygdalin for oncological patients, but such a disease is successfully treated by phytotherapeutists using poisonous plants, for example, hemlock. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that foods rich in a toxin such as vitamin B17 actively include in their diet, because the thirst for life is stronger than fear for one's health. In any case, the person is responsible for his actions, besides, it is not known how much amigdalin should be used per day for a positive effect.