Can polycystic ovary be cured?

When a doctor makes a diagnosis of polycystic ovary - this means that the ovaries do not ripen follicles. They remain small in size, there are quite a few of them (more than 10-12 pieces). The disease is also indicated by malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, an excess of male sex hormones in the blood.

In case of polycystic complications, the following complications occur:

How to cure polycystic ovary?

In medical practice, both conservative and surgical methods of treating polycystic ovaries are actively used.

Conservative ways:

  1. If there is obesity, then you need to reduce weight. This will help to adjust the menstrual cycle.
  2. The doctor can prescribe hormonal contraceptives and antiandrogens - they lower the level of male hormones.
  3. There are also preparations - inducers of ovulation.

The surgical method is the removal of polycystic formations. But the operation should not be in a hurry. This option is possible if the medication is ineffective. Unfortunately, spikes are a frequent complication after surgery. Infertility will be due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes.


There are many folk recipes for the treatment of polycystic ovaries. All these methods can be used only after consulting a specialist. Herbal infusions also have contraindications!

At home, you can try polycystic ovarian cure with the following herbs:

  1. Red brush . Helps with various gynecological problems. Restores the hormonal background. Use with caution if you have hypertension. With the use of a red brush, it is possible to combine tincture of the boron uterus.
  2. The root of licorice badly lowers the level of testosterone (male hormones).
  3. Tincture from the roots of the nettle also has an antiandrogenic effect.
  4. Euphorbia Pallas - regulates the level of androgens.

Polycystic ovaries are treated quite a long time (sometimes up to six months). Do not stop the procedure and do not despair. This disease is curable.