Heat stroke in a child

If you stay too long in the sun or in a room where the temperature is very high, the child may not be excluded from the possibility of a heat stroke. The main difference between a heat stroke and a solar one is that on the body of a crumb, you most likely will not find any burns or spots of reddish color. However, the effects of heat stroke are no less dangerous for the child's organism, as systems and organs are affected, as well as the brain.

Causes of heatstroke

In no kindergarten in the summer, the child will not be allowed to walk on the site if he does not have any easy headgear. And it's not that teachers are so principled - it is the direct rays of the sun that often cause heat stroke. But even if the head of a crumb is protected by a panama, it does not guarantee that in too hot (over 35 degrees Celsius) and windless weather with high humidity your child is protected from this trouble.

Sometimes even the caring parents themselves are to blame for the fact that the baby has to help with a heat stroke. The reason may be an "extra" blouse in the heat or any other synthetic clothing that soars and does not let in air. Especially cautious in matters of dressing should be mothers of children under three years, as well as children with excess weight, problems with the central nervous system. Therefore, it is important to know how to dress a child in the weather .

Symptoms of heat stroke

In fact, for every adult, the signs of a heat stroke in a child are very easy to determine. The very first sign is the child's whimsical whims, his excessive excitement. Kroha flatly refuses any, even the most beloved food, and the temperature of his body very quickly increases. Sometimes on a gradient of a thermometer it is possible to see 40 degrees! The skin becomes covered with reddish spots, the palpitation of the child becomes more frequent, there is a severe shortness of breath. A baby can experience a headache or nausea, often yawns. Diarrhea and vomiting are not excluded. Symptoms of heat stroke in children add lethargy, possible loss of consciousness. The forehead is a sticky cold sweat. In such cases, with a thermal shock, the child needs emergency help, otherwise convulsions may begin.


But the ambulance still has to wait, and what to do with a heat stroke present, what help to provide? First, protect the child from a heat source, that is, transfer to a cool room. The next action with a heat stroke is to get the baby out of clothes. Then be sure to turn the child's head to one side, because in case of vomiting, it can choke. It will not be superfluous to rub the forehead, arms, legs, inguinal and underarm creases of the child with a towel moistened with cool water. However, do not use cold water for this purpose, let alone ice! If the baby is conscious, water it with water, but let's drink in small sips.

If the arrived brigade "ambulance" insists that the child was more likely hospitalized, it is not necessary to refuse. Even if the baby already, as it seems to you, is better, treatment of a heat stroke can still be needed. First, the children's body has lost a lot of fluid, which must be compensated. For this, the doctor will make the baby inject a brine solution that helps restore the water balance. Secondly, even after coming to consciousness, convulsions can resume, and in a home medicine cabinet you are unlikely to keep the appropriate drugs.

Do not forget, heat stroke is an extremely dangerous condition even for adults. In addition, its consequence in rare cases is a lethal outcome. Observe simple rules, and your baby will be healthy!