Pepper plaster

To which a woman just is not capable to look great: wears herself out in gyms, sits on hard diets, the consequences of which then do not even think about excess weight, drinks harmful teas for losing weight ... In general, ways to bring your body in order mass: not all of them are useful, and fortunately, there are those that help burn excess fat without harm to the body, unless, of course, they are used within reasonable limits.

One such method is pepper plaster, which is used both for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Let's find out how pepper plaster can help the woman's main enemies: cellulite and excess weight, and also how to apply it and to whom such a plaster is contraindicated.

Application of pepper plaster

The problem of extra pounds and cellulite is easily eliminated by increasing blood circulation. Actually, this is the problem: tissues should be supplied with blood vessels with oxygen and useful substances, but with a sedentary lifestyle on the sides, thighs and buttocks, blood circulation is violated, and cellulite arises, fat is deposited. Undoubtedly, these problems should be solved not only with the help of increased blood circulation, but along with the right diet: less carbohydrates, fats and more proteins.

The plaster, as a way to increase blood circulation, is convenient because unlike wraps and massages, it does not require a lot of time from a woman: it is enough to buy it in a pharmacy, stick it on a problem place, and for a while to walk with it, doing its own thing. Also, it does not contain harmful chemicals, like most anti-cellulite creams: often pepper patches are made up of natural ingredients, which is why they are inexpensive.

Where to glue pepper plaster?

Where to put a band-aid depends on what the problem is:

  1. Pepper adhesive from cellulite is applied symmetrically on the hips from the outside. It can not be applied to the inner thighs due to the fact that there is often sensitive skin there. The best option is the place that women with full hips are called "riding breeches." If the cellulite was formed on the stomach, then the papillary patch is best glued on the sides.
  2. Pepper plaster for weight loss is applied to places where it is difficult to get rid of excess fat with the help of sports or nutrition adjustment: on the area below the shoulders, hips, calves and buttocks. It is not necessary to glue the patch on all the places at the same time.

How to glue pepper adhesive?

Before gluing it is necessary to clean and dry the skin. For this, ordinary water with soap or cologne, alcohol can come up. Then you need to remove the protective film and apply a patch on the problem area, lightly pressing the palm.

How long can I keep the pepper patch?

From the pepper patch you can get a burn, so for your feelings you need to follow: if it bites heavily, it is better to remove it. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the action is in the warming effect, so if the burning is within normal limits, then this is not an excuse to remove the adhesive.

Pepper plaster can be worn for 2 days, but it is undesirable, because the body should rest from stimulating blood circulation. The best option is to apply a patch for a week every day for several hours.

Nevertheless, if there is a burning sensation, then after removing the patch the skin is smeared with cream or petroleum jelly.

How to remove the pepper bandage painlessly?

A patch of skin, on which the adhesive is applied, becomes sensitive, and women with a low pain threshold may find it difficult to remove it. To facilitate this process, grease the patch with oil, and after 5 minutes, remove. After that, remove the remainder of the glue from the skin and spread it with cream.

Pepper plaster - contraindications

The list of contraindications for pepper plaster is small: for people with exacerbation of vegetovascular diseases or with varicose veins, it is necessary to apply it with care, but for those who have an allergy to components, it is forbidden to wear such plaster.