Teniarinchiasis - symptoms

A juicy steak of weak or medium frying can become not only a gorgeous dinner, but also a means of infection by a bull chain. This is how the shtayearhinas is transmitted - the symptoms of the disease develop shortly after using insufficiently thermally processed beef and veal, as well as dried or salted meat products.

Symptoms of Teniarinchosis

Immediately after the invasion and the growth of helminth individuals, obvious signs of pathology are not observed. Primary clinical manifestations are only in the allocation of segments of the parasite from the anus along with fecal masses. It is worth noting that this process can occur outside the act of defecation, if the worm has a high activity in the intestine.

After 2-2.5 weeks after infection with bovine chain, the first characteristic symptoms appear:

From the 8th week, dyspeptic disorders and stool disorders are noted, as a rule, long constipation.

If the shadowarhynchus is not treated, a prolonged course of pathology provokes the following symptoms:

The disease under consideration can lead to serious complications:

Despite the fact that the listed consequences are rare, they are capable of provoking life-threatening conditions, in particular - internal bleeding.

Diagnosis of teniarinchosis

Given that the symptomatic manifestations of the disease are non-specific, suspicions of shtayearhinh arise with a combination of increased appetite and weight loss, as well as the attachment of dyspeptic disorders.

To clarify the diagnosis, a laboratory study of feces to identify helminth eggs (using the enrichment method) and strobil fragments is carried out. Also, when analyzing for shtayearhozh, blood tests are sometimes prescribed to determine the immunological status, since in rare cases parasites act as irritants and are capable of causing allergic reactions.

It is recommended to conduct differential diagnosis of diphyllobothriasis , tenierhinchiasis and teniosis. Separation of segments from the anus occurs exclusively when infected with a bovine chain, while the remaining clinical manifestations of these invasions are quite similar.

Prevention of teniarinchosis

To prevent the described disease, a complex of veterinary and medical measures must be carried out regularly, which consists in revealing the sources of helminth eggs-the affected animals (cows, bulls, calves) and humans. It is obligatory to carry out measures to protect pastures from fecal contamination.

It is important to remember that the main personal prophylaxis of teniarinchosis is the absolute exclusion from the ration of meat of cattle, which has not been subjected to sufficient heat treatment. Also it is necessary to refuse meat pickles and dried products from beef, veal.