Exercises on the legs in the gym

A beautiful and smart body is an achievable goal, but it will have to work hard and eat right. To get rid of excess weight and to pump muscle, it is best to go to the gym, where you can perform exercises on the legs, arms, shoulders and other parts of the body. It is important to know the correct technique of execution, in order not only to get the result, but also to minimize the risk of injury.

How to properly shake your legs in the gym?

To begin with, a few words about how to deal properly. Since the muscles of the legs are large, it is necessary to train them separately in order to properly work out the muscles. In addition, it is necessary to allow the muscles to rest, so that they can be restored. Do not spend more than three times a week. Making up the program for the legs in the gym, remember that each exercise should be repeated in 3-4 sets, doing 15-20 repetitions each. Do not make big breaks, so that the muscles do not have time to cool down. When choosing weight, consider that if you need to lose weight, then the weight should not be too large, and if to increase muscle volume, then vice versa. Begin your training with cardio, for example, work out on the track, twist the exercise bike or you can just jump on the rope. This should be spent about 40 minutes. Cardio is important for losing weight, as well as for training the muscles for the main load. Now consider exercises for weight loss and pumping legs in the gym.

Squats in the Smith simulator . Squats are the basic exercise and it is best to perform the barbell exercise. A facilitated option is squats in a special simulator. Stand under the neck, putting your feet to the width of your shoulders, and rest in it with trapezoids. Put your hands on it at a convenient distance. Remove the bar and bend forward slightly. Take a breath and, holding your breath, perform a squat, pulling the pelvis back. When the hips reach the horizontal with the floor, immediately get up in the PI. Exhale when the body is almost straightened.

The falls . Training on legs in the gym should necessarily include this exercise, because it is very effective. Take a dumbbell in your hand, which will increase the load. Take a deep step forward and squat before forming a right angle in the front leg. At the same time, keep the case level. After that, return to the IP. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Foot press lying down . Arrange on the simulator so that the back is as close as possible to the back. Do not let the low back down. Grasp the handles with your hands. Now about staging the legs, because there are several variations:

Remove the platform from the posts and, breathing in, lower it, bending the knees to the right angle or more. It is important not to reduce or dilute the knees. Squeeze the platform should be on exhalation, placing more emphasis on the heels. Do not fully straighten your knees.

Extension of legs in the simulator . In the training of the legs in the gym for women, you can include this exercise, to work out the front surface of the thigh. First, adjust the position of the roller so that it is in the ankle area, as well as the seatback. Sit in the simulator, press your back, including the lower back to the back. Legs wind over the rollers and keep your hands on the handles to maintain a stable position of the body. Inhale and straighten your legs until you reach the horizontal. Lock the position and return to the PI. At the end of the movement, exhale. Exercise slowly to feel the muscles well.