Whether it is possible to do or make MRT at pregnancy?

Examination of the body for the purpose of testing the working capacity of all internal organs and systems, as well as identifying various diseases, may be required for a woman at any part of her life. The period of waiting for an infant, during which certain medical manipulations can harm an unborn baby, is no exception.

In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to do MRI during pregnancy, or from using this method of diagnosis, while waiting for a new life, it is better to refuse.

Is it possible to do MRI to pregnant women?

During the MRI, a strong magnetic field affects the body of a pregnant woman, so it is not surprising that many future mothers are afraid of this method of research. In fact, it has virtually no effect on the future baby, which is why such fears are groundless.

Moreover, in some cases during pregnancy, fetal MRI can be performed, in which the development of the infant itself in the mother's womb is studied in detail. Of course, such a study is only used when there are serious indications and not earlier than the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, because before that time it makes no sense.

Meanwhile, magnetic resonance imaging may in some cases be contraindicated to a future mother, in particular if her weight exceeds 200 kg, and also if there are pacemakers, spokes or metal endoprostheses in the woman's body. In addition, the relative contraindication is claustrophobia, the manifestations of which are often amplified in the waiting period of the baby. In all these cases it is up to the doctor to decide whether it is possible to do MRI to pregnant women or not, carefully studying the history of the future mother and weighing all the pros and cons.