Green onion - calorie content

Green onions are a popular green that begins to grow in the spring, although if desired, useful feathers can be grown throughout the year. Acute taste helps to diversify different dishes, so, it is put in salads and snacks, and also complement the fish and meat. Due to its rich composition, greens are used in folk medicine and cosmetology. As for the information on how many calories in green onions, and whether it is possible to eat it with weight loss, we will understand.

Benefits of green onions

Interestingly, in the feathers of onions contains more useful substances for the body, in comparison with the bulb. It is thanks to the green onions that you can replenish the vitamin reserve lost during the winter period. Active struggle with spring avitaminosis is ascorbic acid , which is abundant in green feathers. Healing properties of greenery help in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is noticed that the body of people who regularly eat green onions, is better opposed to the negative effects of viruses and infections. The composition of the product includes chlorophyll, which takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis, so it is useful in anemia.

Greens have the ability to improve digestion, which helps other foods to be better digested and absorbed in the body. Another onion improves metabolism. Caloric content of green onions is low and amounts to 19 kcal per 100 g. As for the nutritional value, there is no fat in this onion, 1.3 grams of proteins, and 4.6 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, green feathers act on the body as a diuretic that helps get rid of excess fluid, and this is the main cause of puffiness and cellulite. Since the calories in the green onions are few, you can safely for your figure include this product in your daily diet .