Monthly after childbirth

When the long months of pregnancy and the first happy weeks of motherhood are left behind, time comes for the restoration of the female body. One of the most common questions among young mothers is "When will the critical days begin?". In some women, menstruation is restored soon after childbirth, while others wait for critical days for many months. About what affects the appearance of the first monthly after childbirth, and what are the features of the new menstrual cycle, you will learn in this article.

When will the menstrual period begin after the birth?

It is known that pregnancy strongly affects the hormonal background of a woman. The absence of menstruation is one of the first signs of it. Immediately after childbirth, our body starts recovery processes that normalize the hormonal background. This happens regardless of how the birth took place - by natural means, or with the help of cesarean section. The onset of menstrual periods after birth means that the recovery is complete.

Determining role in the recovery of menstrual after birth is played by breastfeeding. In young mothers who prefer infant formulas and early completed breastfeeding, the first months after birth usually begin at 6-8 weeks. When breastfeeding, the menstrual cycle is restored much later. Moms, breastfeeding their babies, can forget about the months before the introduction of the first complementary foods. In rare cases, the delay in menstrual after childbirth may be even more prolonged - until complete weaning. This is due to the fact that the production of milk in the female body is due to the hormone prolactin, which simultaneously prevents the recovery of the menstrual cycle after childbirth and the onset of ovulation. If a woman nurses a child on demand and exclusively breastfed, the probability of a new pregnancy is very low. Nevertheless, the absence of menstruation does not mean that it is impossible to become pregnant. Each woman should be aware that the first monthly after delivery occurs approximately 12-14 days after ovulation. And this time is enough to get pregnant again.

All these statistics are generalized, there are often exceptions. This is due to the fact that each young mother is individual and the processes that take place specifically in her body are different from the average. The process of restoring the months after birth, in addition to breastfeeding, is influenced by many other factors:

What are the differences?

The first months after delivery may differ from menstruation, which was before pregnancy. The most common questions women ask are:

  1. Regularity. In many cases, the periods become irregular after delivery. This should not disturb the young mother during the first 5-6 months, if the intervals between the monthly vary by 5-10 days. If after six months the cycle does not improve, then you should consult a doctor.
  2. Abundance. The first months after birth can be unusually abundant or meager. For 4 months, these deviations are considered normal. If the first months after childbirth were abundant or scarce and with time the volume of discharge does not change, then this phenomenon may indicate a disease in the female body.
  3. Duration. Quite often the duration of the period after delivery changes. It is quite natural and a woman needs only to get used to. Suspicion should cause too short (1-2 days) or too long (more than 7 days) monthly, which often indicate a myoma of the uterus.
  4. Soreness. In many cases, women who have suffered painful months before pregnancy, after giving birth, no longer feel pain during menstruation. Somewhat less often it is the other way round. The doctor should be treated only with severe pain, forcing to take painkillers.

Since the load on the endocrine and nervous system of a woman is significantly increased after delivery, proper nutrition and rest are necessary for a full recovery. Otherwise, the months after birth can become unusually abundant and painful.