Sores in the mouth - causes

The appearance of sores in the oral cavity brings a lot of trouble, as well as discomfort during meals. They can disappear in 5-7 days, but again appear. Let's try to understand why there are sores in the mouth, and what are the causes of their occurrence.

Why do sores appear in the mouth?

There can be ulcers because of many factors. It can be both diseases of the oral mucosa, and the result of a general malaise of the whole organism. The reasons for their appearance include:

Why can sores in the mouth have different appearance and color? This is due to the cause and peculiarity of the disease, because of which they appeared. So, for example, white color is typical of ordinary stomatitis, and bloody - a traumatic occurrence of a sore. Most often, the cause of ulcers in the mouth is associated with infectious diseases of the mucous membrane.

Herpetiform stomatitis

In appearance, ulcers resemble normal herpes. They appear on the bottom of the mouth and on the tongue. They usually have a gray color, without certain boundaries. Within a week they can pass, but if you do not carry out treatment - reappear.

Recurrent stomatitis

This kind of chronic inflammatory disease, with a characteristic rash in the cheeks, mouth, sky of the tongue and the area around the lips, is marked by soreness. When cleaning or eating, they can give unpleasant sensations, and with constant trauma can develop into an unhealed wound. This kind of disease can provoke nervous overstrain, stress or even critical days for women.

Necrotic periadenitis

In the oral cavity, first, condensations form, and then reddish ulcers appear that interfere with eating and even talking. They can be located on the lips, cheeks and tongue.

Traumatic Ulcers

The appearance of a sore on the cheek in the mouth can be triggered by a trauma to the oral cavity:

The appearance of ulcers as a result of common diseases of the body

During the illness of some infectious diseases, ulcers can manifest as symptoms.

One of these diseases is acute necrotizing gingivostomatitis, which is infectious. Appear typical ulcers can with a sharp decrease in immunity, mucosal disorders, with supercooling. Also, tuberculosis of the oral mucosa and syphilis can be the cause of ulcers in the mouth. They have symptoms in the form of a rash on the oral cavity.

Knowing the causes of sores in the mouth, it is necessary to prescribe adequate treatment in a timely manner.