Yoga at home

Salvation drowning - the handiwork of the drowning. No master yogi can help you cope with the problem of excess weight or harmonization of the world view, if you do not do yoga at home. The coach can give only 20% of knowledge, everything else should be "extracted" by the student independently.

Do yoga at home is not difficult. You will need a rug, comfortable clothes, and, for about 20 minutes. If you want to start with a specific direction of yoga, the most popular and simple at home is hatha yoga . This style is recommended to all beginners, since it boils down exclusively to physical training.

We offer, to begin to learn the simplest exercises of yoga at home. The so-called, general-development complex.


  1. Sit down in a comfortable position on the ischium bones, legs - in a convenient position (it is possible in Turkish or in half-lotus), we connect the fingers in the mudra - the big and index finger is closed. Straighten the shoulders, stretching up with the crown. On exhalation we close our eyes, we release all thoughts, experiences, fears, we observe our breathing.
  2. We open our eyes and begin the warm-up. We make circular motions of the head with the greatest amplitude. We repeat in one and the other side.
  3. We make the lock of hands, we turn out our hands and stretch ourselves upwards, then we do alternate stretching of the left and right hands.
  4. We grab our hands behind our backs, make a lock, lean forward, raise our hands vertically. We return and straighten our shoulders.
  5. Hands in front of him in the lock, we turn him on inhaling and exhaling, do 7 repetitions, then change hands.
  6. We stretch our legs forward, try to sit on the largest surface of the buttocks. This is very important in yoga for the opening of the chakra located in the pelvic area. We walk "buttocks" forward and back, tearing off the feet from the floor.
  7. We put our hands back, legs are stretched, we squeeze our toes and straighten, as if we want to spread our fingers as wide as possible. This exercise helps from flat feet.
  8. Then we move the socks in a circle, pulling the socks and pulling on ourselves.
  9. The right leg is bent at the knee, the heel at the buttock, the left leg is grouped side by side. We put our hands back, we carry the weight of the body in our hands. Slowly tear off the right knee from the floor with an exhalation, standing on a toe. We do wiggles - we return a leg back and we lift on носочек. We return the legs and repeat to the other side.
  10. We return to the IP, we cross our legs and try to rise without hands.
  11. Greeting the Sun - we approach the edge of the rug. Feet together, straighten shoulders, stomach tightened. With inhalation we stretch upward, on exhalation, tilt down to the ground. We raise our heads, exhale - we kneel. We do as if push-ups, but we press the elbows to the body, knees on the floor.
  12. With an inspiration come up and caving in the back, lower the pelvis, stomach, legs on the floor. We fix the situation and rest in the position of the child.