Yoga for pregnant women: 1 trimester

Yoga is a kind of science about the union of man with the universe. It teaches us to be "here and now", to concentrate our attention on the present moment, to relax, or, on the contrary, to mobilize our forces. Yoga is very popular among women, men, couples, and even among children. Of course, this, of course, useful pastime could not bypass the pregnant women.

The Benefits of Yoga during Pregnancy

In the first trimester, yoga for pregnant women differs little from conventional training before pregnancy. Your belly has not yet grown, your back is not burdened, your legs do not swell. So, this is the ideal time to improve your health in such a delicate situation.

It is very difficult to describe in a few words the benefit of yoga for pregnant women. First, we must mention the psychological aspect. Many women are afraid of childbirth, they are afraid of pain and what will be their life after the birth of the child. Some women are afraid of change, before they can get pregnant, they are afraid to even think about conception. All this - psychological problems, fears that do not allow us to breathe on full chest. For such women, the most important part of the training will be meditation and breathing exercises . During meditation, you can relax your restless mind, and breathing practice allows you to calm down and rethink things.

Secondly, the postures of yoga for pregnant women make it possible to remove the gradually increasing strain on the spine, and also to avoid spine diseases and posture disorders that often occur after childbirth.

Doing yoga for pregnant women in the first trimester, you will avoid toxemia, swelling, stretch marks and excess weight. The body weight, of course, will grow, but exactly as much as physiologically necessary.

Yoga is useful not only for pregnant women, but also for the child. The fetus receives oxygenated blood, exercises help it to take the right position in the womb, which means that its birth will be easier and faster.


  1. We get into a comfortable position, legs are shoulder-width apart, we inhale and through hands raise hands. We stretch out and throw our head back. With an exhalation, we drop our hands and our chin on the chest.
  2. Breathing can be combined with a warm-up of the neck - on the inhalation through the right side we lift the head, on exhalation through the left we lower it. We do 10 to 12 cycles.
  3. We inhale, stretch out and on a long exhalation through the nose, we drop our hands and squat, as if squeezing the air down.
  4. On inhalation we stretch out into a light deflection, the arms are divorced and stretch through the top back, the waist is slightly bent, the pelvis forward. On exhalation we leave first forward, returning the pelvis to the PI, then we bend down to the floor with the elbow lock. After completing several approaches, you can simply hang with your hands locked in the lock to relax your back.
  5. On inspiration, raise your right arm up, we give the coccyx a little forward, with exhalation we leave into the lateral slope. The chest is open, we look towards the outstretched arm. We do 5 - 7 cycles and change sides.
  6. We connect hands together above the head, with an exhalation we leave into a direct extension of the spine, bending forward parallel to the floor.
  7. At the inhalation we rise, exhale - we withdraw our right hand back, and we stretch diagonally with the front hand. We rise and change hands.
  8. On inhalation we rise, we connect hands together, we bend knees and on an exhalation we bend slightly forward, caving in a loin.
  9. Light twists - from the previous asana, put your right hand on the floor in the center, slightly in front of your legs, and twist the body, stretching your left arm up. We look up, by the hand. With an exhalation we lower the left hand and we drag ourselves upwards with the right hand. On exhalation we lower the right hand, on inspiration we rise upward, hands leave downwards.