Multinodular goiter

Multinodular goiter is a collective concept. This is one of the pathologies developing in the thyroid gland, in which several nodes form in the organ. The size of the tumors usually exceeds a centimeter. The nodules appearing on the thyroid can be both good and malignant. The number of them can also vary from one to several tens.

Causes of multinodal goiter

Nodules on the thyroid gland can be of different origin:

Regardless of its nature, the organ is not affected by the function of the organ. And as practice has shown, women suffer from problems with the endocrine system much more often than men.

In most cases, the cause of the formation of multinodal colloid goiter are such factors as iodine deficiency in consumed food and poor digestibility by its body. But there are other causes of the disease:

Symptoms and treatment of multinodal goiter

It happens that the multinodular goiter is asymptomatic. At the same time, the thyroid gland functions perfectly, and its dimensions remain within acceptable limits. But often at least somehow an ailment, but manifests itself.

The main symptoms of multinodular goiter are as follows:

In principle, the danger of life multinodular goiter does not represent. But if you do not start in time to deal with his treatment, he can take a malignant form. Methods of combating goiter differ depending on its variety and degree of development:

  1. Initially, almost all patients are prescribed thyroid hormone preparations.
  2. Operative intervention is resorted only when there are cosmetic defects and there are signs of compression of neighboring organs.
  3. It is also possible to treat multinodular goiter folk remedies: tincture on walnut partitions, oak bark, horse sorrel .