Newborn's chair with artificial feeding

The type of feeding of a small child affects the quality and frequency of his stool, and any mother who closely watches him, knowing the norm and possible deviations, will be able to detect problems in the intestine's work in the baby in time. It is especially necessary to observe the newborn's chair with artificial feeding, since no milk formula is suitable ideally for the baby's stomach.

Parents need to know the basic parameters of a breastfeeding chair, which is on artificial feeding, which they should pay attention to.


Norm: from bright yellow to brown - the color depends on the mixture used by the baby.



Norm: 1-2 times a day.



Norma: a homogenous mushy mass, stronger than with breastfeeding.


Changes in color (on green), frequency and consistency of stool in newborns with artificial feeding can be periodic and permanent. If they manifest periodically and are not accompanied by a general malaise, then this may be a reaction of the baby's body to the introduction of a new food. But in cases of appearance in the stool of blood, mucus, frequent watery diarrhea, accompanied by vomiting and fever, you should urgently consult a doctor. He will determine the necessary tests, after which he will give the child the right treatment.