Homemade cheese from cottage cheese

Eating healthy and healthy food is a natural desire of any person, but nowadays it is becoming more difficult to find safe food, so we have to cook something ourselves. We will help you to replenish the arsenals of home recipes, and tell you how to prepare cheese cheese at home.

Making home made cheese

Preparing homemade cheese from cottage cheese is an ancient and technologically difficult recipe, but we will try to make it as easy as possible for you so that you can please your family with a delicious creamy product.



Thoroughly pound the cottage cheese and add it to boiling milk, cook the mixture on a small fire for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly (you can longer if you want to get a hard cheese). On a metal colander, or a grid, we put on a two-layer gauze, from above we pour out the contents of the pan. Let the liquid drain for about a minute, then gently raise the edges of the gauze and squeeze the mass well from the remaining moisture. Mass it again in a saucepan, add salt, soda and soft butter, keep it on a small fire, stirring for 1-2 minutes (until it starts to lag behind the pan). Let the cheese mass cool to room temperature and give it the necessary shape. We put cheese in the dishes, greased with oil, and put it for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. This homemade cheese from cottage cheese is remarkably melted in the oven and is ideal for salads and sandwiches.

Cream cheese from cottage cheese

Cream cheese is a favorite dish for many children, but shop cheeses are often cured with preservatives and thickeners that can harm a growing body. Home-made processed cheese is easy to prepare and will taste to you and your child.



All the ingredients are mixed and beaten with a mixer until smooth. We put a water bath: fill a large saucepan with 1/3 of water, top it with a bowl that matches the diameter, and place our cheese mass in it. Without ceasing to stir, we keep on our boiling water bath our future processed cheese for 5-6 minutes. After that, we grease any container with butter and pour our mass into it. Leave our cheese in the refrigerator for 12 hours to freeze.

If desired, in the mass you can add greens, ham or mushrooms. Our home curd cheese is ready!

Low fat homemade cheese

Diet is not an excuse for refusing your favorite treats, especially when it comes to cheese. Pamper yourself with home-made Italian ricotta, it's easy to spread on rye toast or add to your favorite vegetable salad.



Milk heated to 80 ° (in no case do not boil!) Add salt and sugar, stir constantly the mixture. We pour fresh lemon juice into hot milk. Remove the saucepan from the fire when white flakes start to appear. Leave our future ricotta for 30 minutes, then throw it back on gauze and let it drain (the longer the liquid drains, the harder the cheese will be). After that, we form our head of cheese and put it in the refrigerator. Now you can pamper yourself at any time with delicious homemade cheese, because Ricotta is ready!